Key Three! Road To The Master Class! ~ CH-102

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"Scraggy! Use Lowsweep on Servine! Servine, use Vine Whip to grab Scraggy! Torterra, Energy Ball and Glalie, counter it with Freeze Dry!" All pokemon launched their moves at one another, resulting into a large explosion.

Narrator: Ash was out in his own backyard, training his pokemon. He was smiling as sweat droplets covered his forehead. It had now been three days since Ash and Serena got back home. They parted with Brandon who went to Anistar City to do some research on the Sundial.

"I've got food for everyone! Lets eat!" Serena came walking through the glass doors of Ash's house, holding a tray filled with sandwiches, macarons, pokepuffs and bowl with pokemon food. Around her shoulder, she had a towel.

"Let's take a break everyone!" Ash informed his pokemon as he noticed Serena coming. The pokemon nodded in agreement and relaxed while conversing with one another. They had been training hard since Ash came back. Ash had told all of them that he wanted to work with them in order to get them ready for the Kalos League.

"Thanks for making all that food Serena." Ash thanked her, smiling appreciatively at her. "But I do think that you should've allowed me to help you." He added with a frown.

Serena bend down and put down the tray on a log before looking up at Ash with a wide smile. "Don't worry, it is the least I can do since you're working so hard!" Then, she grabbed the towel from her shoulder and handed it over to Ash. "Here."

"Thanks!" Ash said as he took the towel and started to dry the sweat from his face. The towel felt soft as it touched his skin.

As soon as he was done, he put it town on the log, next to the tray of food before he grabbed Serena's arm and surprised her when he pulled her in for a gentle hug. Their heads were inches apart as Ash smiled gently at her while she was recovering from the sudden move he made.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Ash asked softly. Tomorrow is the big day for Serena. There was a showcase is Coumarine City and it would be the final test for Serena in order to get herself that third princess key before she was able to compete in the master class.

"Hmmm-mm!" Serena nodded. "More than ever! That key is as good as mine." She spoke determinedly. However, then a small frown went across her face. "It does feel weird, going back there though." She said. Coumarine City was where she performed for the first time ever and that's where she messed up with Delphox when it was still a Fennekin.

Ash placed his hands on her hips and pulled her even closer, with their bodies now against one another. "You've got this, I know you have!" He spoke determinedly, having all the faith in the world in his girlfriend. "Besides, what better way to take a revanche on a false start? Wim where it all started out and I promise you, you're a step ahead of everyone who is going to face you in the Master Class. And believe me, they ain't ready for the beauty that's right here infront of me!"

"Oh Ash..." Serena wispered softly before a determination took controll of her. "Right! I'm gonna win this!"

"That's what I like to hear!" Ash smiled before he leaned in and gave her a loveable kiss, full of passion and meaning. Serena kissed back, happy that she always had him in her corner. No matter how difficult the obstacle in her path was to overcome, with him, she knew she would do it.

They broke the kiss and smiled once more at one another before giving each of the pokemon their bowl of food they had been waiting for. As they finished, they grabbed a sandwich themselves and sat down in the grass, with their backs against a tree. They were sitting pretty close to one another as their sides touched one another.

"So, when does the train to Coumarine City leave again?" Ash asked before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"The train leaves at 3pm from Lumiose City. If we leave around 2pm for Lumiose, we should make it in time. Then, we should be in Coumarine City at 5pm and there we can book a hotel to spend the night in order to fully prepare myself for tomorrow!" Serena said, fully memorising how she had planned things out.

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