Max versus Bonnie! ~ CH-120

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Chapter 120, Max versus Bonnie! Honestly, I was stuck on chosing a title for this chapter for ages. I'm sure there are much more compatible ones for this chapter but this will probably do enough.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment wherever you want. If you like it aswell, make sure to give it a vote. And if you want to be regularly updated by my posts or anything, make sure to drop a follow.

Next week's chapter. The Aftermath + Ash vs Trevor!

Important info: The commentator will be written in Italics.

League scoreboard:
Bold: Trainer/Pokemon name

Italics: Fainted Pokemon

Underline: Resting Pokemon

(Pokeball): Unrevealed Pokemon

For example - Trainer A: Poke1, Poke2, Poke3, Poke4, Poke5 (Pokeball), Poke6 (active one)

Wordcount: 7390


Narrator: Last time, Ash battled against Morrison, his great rival from Hoenn. After a thrilling battle, Ash managed to come out on top, using a Z-move with his loyal water type Squirtle. Now, that the match ups for the next round are known, we'll join our heroes on their big day.

It was early morning as Max just woke up. Not feeling tired anymore, he reluctantly sat up straight before running his eyes.

After a few seconds of rubbing, he reached for the nightstand, in search for his glasses. Finding them fairly quick, Max placed it on top if his nose before he opened his eyes and looked around the hotel room.

Unlike Ash and Serena who got their own accommodations, some of the trainers were still under 18 and therefore, they were placed in hotels. Both Max and Bonnie had their own room, shared by one of their friends, family or whatever. In this case, Max shared his room with his sister May and Bonnie with her brother Clemont.

Max rose up from his bed and put on his glasses before he walked over to the glass window. Pulling the curtain aside, he was able to look into the distance, seeing the stadium he was gonna battle in, in a few hours.

He stared at it for a few moments before looking down and letting out a sigh. "I don't know if I'm ready..." He mumbled.

He let go of the curtain, allowing it to slide back infront of the window. He walked over to the wardrobe and started dressing himself for the day.

He put on his usual outfit that was existing out of a green shirt with a white coloured collar, grey shorts and a pair of green and black sneakers.

It was almost the same outfit he wore during his travels with Ash, except for that he now needed different sizes as he was grown a bit since then. Apart from that, it had another few minor changes but they weren't that significant.

As he finally was done dressing himself, he walked over to the door and opened it. Standing in the main area of his and May's room, he saw that May wasn't there yet and he assumed she was still asleep. It was pretty early so he couldn't blame her.

He walked up to the kitchen and made himself a quick and easy breakfast before sitting down at the kitchen table.

On it was his notebook where he had written down as much ideas and tactics he could use for the battle. He now stared at it, thinking hard. He wanted to win this battle so badly so that he had a chance to face Ash later on. But he also knew that Bonnie was a tough opponent. He knew that first hand as they had traveled together till this point and therefore she knew most of his battling style and strategies.

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