Flying to Victory! CH-48

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Gary just had his battle against Wulfric. Both were down to their last pokemon but luckely for Gary, his Arcanine managed to come in clutch against Mega Abomasnow.

After Gary received the Ice Peal Badge, they all focussed on Max who was next to battle.

"Are you ready Max." Viola says as she looks confident at her young opponent.

"You bet I am!" Max says before he continues. "After going over tactics with Brock and Ash last night, there is no way I can lose!"


Ash, Brock and Max were sitting around a table in the main lobby of the pokemon center. Gary was calling with professor Oak, going over strategies he could use against Wulfric. Dawn, May, Misty and Shauna were talking about fasion while Serena and Bonnie were making Poképuffs and Macarons.

"So Max, what pokemon do you have?" Ash asks as he looks at Max with Pikachu and Lucario sitting next to him.

"Currently I've got Grovile, Mightyena, a Tailow and Ralts." Max replies.

"A Ralts? The same one we've met on our journey through Hoenn?" Brock asks with curiosity all over his face.

"Yep! Same one! After I got Mightyena, I quickly made my way over to where we saw Ralts the last time and luckely it was still there!" Max replies with a smile plastered on his face.

"Hmm... Viola mostly uses her Surskit and Vivillon. That means Rock, Electric, Flying and Ice type attacks are effective." Ash says, thinking out loud while his hand supports his chin.

"Thats right. So Tailow should be able to do great. But what other pokemon to use?" Brock thinks.

"What about Ralts? It knows Confusion, Disharming Voice, Teleport and Shockwave." Max says, causing Ash and Brock to look confused at him.

"It knows Shockwave?" Ash asks.

"That makes things sure a lot easier Max." Brock comments.

"Yeah! Maybe if we work a bit on your attacks, you'll be as ready as ever for that gym battle! And I can help you out with ways to overcome that Sticky Web aswell!" Ash says as he clenches his fist while he smiles at Pikachu. Both share memories how he, Pikachu and Fletchling overcame Sticky Web the 2nd time Ash battled against Viola. He still remembers how Serena was the key factor to his win.

"Right!" Max says happily.

With that said, they went to the battlefield and worked for hours on ways to beat Viola. Both Ash and Max were wiped out before they returned to their rooms but thanks to all the training, Max was feeling confident for his battle.

Flashback ends

Both Max and Viola stand across from eachother. Max smirks confidently while Viola has her eyes closed as she calmly looks at her young opponent.

"Let's make this a picture perfect battle Max!" She says as she grabs a pokeball from her belt while facing Max.

"You've got it!" Max replies confidently.

This time Wulfric is the referee as he stands in the referee box at the side of the battlefield. "This official gym battle between Santalune City's gym leader Viola and Max Maple from Petalburg City from the Hoenn region will now get underway. Both trainers are allowed to use two pokemon but only the challenger is allowed to substitude. Are both of you ready?"

Both Max and Viola nod while smirking towards eachother.

Wulfric: Then reveal your first pokemon and let the battle begin!

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