Pikachu's Ultimate Showdown! CH-51

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"Infernape, Flare Blitz!" Ash shouts determinately, fire burning in his eyes.

'Ferrrnapeee!!" Infernape cries out as it engulfs itself in blue fire which changes to red as he takes off towards Lucario.

"Meet it head on with Extremespeed." Cynthia counters.

Both Infernape and Lucario launch towards eachother, both completely determined to get their trainer the first win of this battle. They both collide, both trying to push the other away.

"Don't let up Lucario!" Cynthia shouts, causing Lucario to dig his feet into the ground.

Ash on the otherhand was filled with excitement as he was almost copying every move that Infernape did. "Come on Infernape! Give it everythint you've got!" Ash shouts, encouraging his loyal fire type.

"Pika Pikachu!!" Pikachu cries out.

With the extra motivation from his trainer and Pikachu, Infernape feels overwhelmed with power and determination. "In-fernaaappeeee!!" He cries out as the flames surrounding him grow bigger and bigger, resulting in a massive explosion.

Both Ash and Cynthia need to cover their eyes from the smoke and debris that flies towards them. Ash, Cynthia and every spectator around the battlefield watch in awe as the smoke starts fading away. Serena nervously holds her her ribbon tight, worried of Ash and Infernape.

As the smoke finally fades away, it reveals Lucario and Infernape, face to face, both breathing heavily. They carfully watch eachother until suddenly Infernape's knees give out and drops to his knees, still with his back straight.

"No Infernape!" Ash shouts, worried about his Sinnoh Ace.

Infernape stares at Lucario, refusing to give up. But at the same time, Lucario gives Infernape a small grin and then drops to the ground, uncounsious, shocking everyone including Ash and Cynthia.


Paul was walking through the schoolyard, thinking to himself. Suddenly he hears commotion coming from the outside battlefield. At first he continued walking but eventually the curiosity get's the better of him and he walks into the direction of the battlefield.

As he arrived, his eyes widened. The last thing he thought he would see was happening right infront of him. Ash is battling Cynthia.

Both Infernape and Lucario smash into eachother using Extremespeed and Flare Blitz. As Paul sees Lucario drop to the ground with Infernape on his knees, heavily breathing, the only thing that he can think of is. "Impossible... I've battled her 6 on 6 and wasn't even able to tire out her Garchomp. Ofcourse I wasn't as strong as I am now on that time bit still. My former pokemon took down one of Cynthia's best Pokemons!"

Paul keeps on watching the battle between his strongest Rival and the champion of his home region.

As the silence continued, some of the students in the crowd commented on the battle. "That guy isn't that bad at all." One commented as another said "He beat a pokemon of Cynthia..." with a shocked expression all over his face. Everyone mutters how Ash managed to beat Cynthia's first pokemon while Serena stares at Ash with a beaming smile on her face. Her cheeks are slightly pink and her cerulean blue eyes are sparkling.

"My my Ash... You're a lot stronger than last time." Cynthia says, looking at him with a smile of admiration.

"Thanks Cynthia, it means a lot coming from someone like you." Ash says in an appreciative manner.

Cynthia returned Lucario and looked at the pokeball containing it with a soft smile. She thanked Lucario for its efforts before she put it away and grabbed the next one.

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