Lucario's Origins, Goodbye Alola! CH-98

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"TA-DAAA" Serena exclaimed, holding the ribbon she won at the contest in her hand, beaming at everyone proudly.

Narrator: Currently Ash and Serena were at Mallow's family restaurant. It was three days after the contest and everyone was present as Serena showed her newly won ribbon. The past few days, everyone was busy with doing their own thing so instead of showing the ribbon earlier, Ash took Serena around the other islands where she met various Alolan pokemon as well as the island Kahunas. She even tried to capture an Alolan Vulpix but unfortunately for her, it managed to escape.

The ones who were really excited about the whole thing were Beldum and Absol. Since the two of them were a couple of days old, Ash and Serena decided to slowly start practicing with them while they introduced the newborns to the world.

Serena was also very impressed to see the island where Aether Paradise was located. She loved the reservoir it had for pokemon who lived there. Both Ash and Serena even helped out Faba and Mohn when they tended to some injured pokemon who they kept there to restore to perfect health before they let them go back into the wild again.

It is now around 10 AM in the morning as Ash and Serena decided to spend the morning with their friends and the afternoon together. This was their last full day they had in Alola.

"Wauw Serena! It's awesome!" Mallow exclaimed as she, joined with the rest of the group stared at the ribbon Serena was holding.

"To think Ash is Alola's first champion and you Alola's first contest winner, that makes you our Alolan Queen!" Lana said. Serena looked at Ash, hearing those words. Her cheeks turned slightly red at hearing the comment as she became flustered.

"T-thank you guys." Serena managed to say as Ash let out a chuckle. He put his arm around her waist, giving her a side hug. "Alolan Champion and Queen, sounds good to me!" He added.

They all bursted out in laughter, hearing Ash's comment. Serena laughed aswell, though, she found it sweet of him to say. Therefore, as soon as her laughter died down, she gave him a small peck on his cheek, giving him an appreciating smile when he faced her.

"Lunch is ready everyone!" Ulu, Mallow's brother shouted from behind the counter, holding two plates filled with sandwiches and Malasadas in his hands, holding them up as he tried to balance them.

Abe, Mallow's father followed him with a cart full of bowls filled with pokemon food as they made their way to the table Ash, Serena and their friends were sitting at.

As soon as Ash and Kiawe laid their eyes on the two plates Ulu was holding, they turned into sparkles as their mouths unknowingly moved slightly open while they started drooling. "That looks so delicious!" They squealed.

Everyone shook their heads except for Serena, who let out a light chuckle. She knew her Ash was like this and knowing him, he wouldn't change.

With that said, they all went on and started to munch down the food Ulu and Abe had prepared for them. While eating, they all talked about how they were doing nowadays.

Kiawe for example was training hard with Olivia to become an Island Kahuna and from what he told, he was making loads of progress. Apart from his Elite four duties though.

Now that their father had returned, Gladion wanted to see more from the world and decided to explore other regions. He was planning to visit Sinnoh and try out the gym challenge there with as end result maybe winning the Sinnoh League.

Lillie however, after discussing a lot with her parents and Gladion wanted to join him on the journey and give contests a try. He gave her a weird look at first but as she told how she felt about it and the determination that burned in her eyes, they couldn't do anything but give her a chance to find herself out.

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