Home Sweet Home! CH-3

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After an 8 hour flight Ash, Pikachu and Riolu finally land in Vermillion City.

As they walk out of the plane, Ash takes a moment to stretch himself before he sees Riolu and Pikachu jump on both of his shoulders.

They make their way over to the exit of the airport and when they're finally outside, they decide that they grab something to eat before they head towards Pallet Town.

Ash walks through the streets of Viridian City with both of his companions on his shoulders. Suddenly they smell the aroma of fresh baked hamburgers.

"Do you guys smell that?" Ash asks his pokemon as he starts to sniff around

Pikachu: Pikapi!

Riolu: Rioa

"Look over there! A hamburger stand!" Ash shouts excitedly.

Pikachu: PIKAA!!

They quickly run over to the shop and Ash orders three hamburgers. 1 for him and 1 for both Pikachu and Riolu.

"There you go!" Ash says as he hands both pokemon a hamburger. At this moment both Pikachu and Riolu are drooling at it, causing Ash to chuckle.

As they start eating, it only costs a matter of seconds before they pulverize the hamburgers. When they finish, they all sit back while petting their stomaches

"That tasted great!" Ash says in a satisfied tone.

"Pii" Pikachu says.

"Did you like it too Riolu?" Ash asks the Emanation Pokemon while looking at it

Riolu smiles a moment before it says. "Yes Master! Best I've ever had!"

Ash chuckles for a moment. "You don't have to call me master you know?"

"I know but I want to." Riolu says firmly.

Ash: Alright if that is what you wish, anyway lets head home!

They leave the bench where they sat on and make their way to the edge of town. Then for a couple hours of walking through Viridian forrest they finally arrive at the hill which Ash and Pikachu always walks past when they're going home. For a moment they stand there on the top of the hill.

"There it is guys! Can't wait to see their suprised faces when they see us!" Ash says as excitement is overtaking him.

Pikachu: PIKAAA!!

Riolu: So this is where you started your journey master?

"Yes Riolu, and just wait till see all my pokemon! You will like them for sure!" Ash says while giving Riolu a toothy grin.

Riolu is hesitant for a moment but smiles at the idea.

"Pikachu? Just like the old times, who's last is a rotten Execute!!" Ash says as he starts running off while laughing.

"Pika!" Pikachu shouts as he starts to run after Ash

Riolu is confused but quickly shouts "WAIT!" As it tries to keep up with them.

After a couple minutes of running, they finally reach the doorstep of Ash's house. While panting heavily, Ash arrived as last, seeing a smirking Pikachu and Riolu infront of his house.

"Y-You guys are way to q-quick." Ash says while trying to catch his breath.

Pikachu and Riolu both are laughing while giving eachother a fist bump.

"Very funny guys.. Now, lets go inside." Ash says as he opens the door.

He looks around and doesn't see anyone. Then he takes a deep breath and shouts. "MOM I'M HOME!"

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