Drayden, The Untamable Dragon! CH-73

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Before the chapter starts, I'm using other battles as references for some moments. It explains certain situations better and is way easier than discribing them. Now before you start reading, click on the intro video on the top and enjoy! ⬆️

Narrator: Last time, Ash, Serena, Iris and Cilan finally made it to Opelucid City, home of the Opelucid gym and Ash's 2nd gym battle. After an eventful date with Serena, Ash is finally ready for his gym battle as they arrive at the Opelucid Gym.

"Come on, Let's get inside." Ash said as he took Serena's arm before starting to head inside the gym.

They walked through the front doors and walked towards the battlefield, according to Iris's lead as she was Drayden's student for a while. They entered the battlefield and Drayden stood there peacefully with his eyes closed. Suddenly he opened them and looked Ash straight into his eyes. "I see you have arrived." He said in a stern yet calm manner. Ash grinned. "Yes! And be prepared to lose because I'm gonna get that 2nd badge, no matter what!" Ash said determinedly, forming a fist. "Pika! Pikachu!" "RrAh-" Pikachu and Lucario added.

Drayden glared. "We'll see. If you're battling is the same as your talking, you won't stand a chance!" Drayden said in a firm tone before widening his stance and inclipped a pokeball. "Druddigon! Battle cry!" Drayden yelled as he unleashed the first pokemon of his arsenal. "Drruddigon---!" Druddigon roared loudly, making the ground tremble.

"Alright! Snorlax, I choose you!" Ash yelled as he released the Sleeping Pokemon. "Lax-- Snorlax!" Snorlax exclaimed as he stood infront of Ash on the battlefield. "We'll get over to the side, goodluck!" Serena said befote she pecked Ash on his cheek. Ash nodded and smiled at her. Iris, Cilan and Serena made it to the stands while Ash, Pikachu and Lucario made it to their trainer box.

A referee appeared from one of the tunnels and made it to his own box in the middle of the battlefield at the side. He was one of Drayden's students and used to act like the referee during gym battles. "I will explain the rules now. This will be a 4 on 4 battle with no substitutions or time limit. Also the challenger needs to have two pokemon with a type weakness to the gym leader in his team. Are you both ready?" He asked as he looked at both Drayden and Ash. Both of them nodded and the referee took out his flags and swung them down in a single motion. "Let the battle begin!" He announced.

"2 pokemon weak to dragon types? That makes it even more impossible for Ash!" Iris said in a confused manner. "That is true but the only weakness dragon types have is their own which is also strong against." Cilan noted, looking at the fierce looking Druddigon that stood infront of Drayden.

Suddenly Serena popped up between the two, completely dressed in her cheerleader outfit she got from Dawn. "Tada--!" Serena said with a big smile.

"Why are you wearing that Serena?" Iris asked as she and Cilan recovered from the shock of Serena popping up out of nowhere. "I'm wearing this to support Ash, what else would you think?" Serena replied before shifting her attention to Ash. "Ash, Ash, you're the man! Show them something no one can!" She yelled, gaining his attention. Ash smiled and blowed a kiss to her, making her blush for a moment. Ash grinned before shifting his attention back to Drayden and Druddigon.

 Ash grinned before shifting his attention back to Drayden and Druddigon

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