Kalos League, Here We Come... Again! ~ CH-111

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Slightly delayed but hopefully not too late! Here I present you Chapter 111, Kalos League, Here We Come... Again!

This is the first of the series of chapters that will be focused on the Kalos League Tournament in which Ash is participating. Throughout the Kalos League, I'm planning to get some break and amour chapters in so that it will not be to heavily focused on battling but also on nice lovey dovey stuff that we as amourshippers love so much.

Also what I want to add, I'm writing this story for around a year now and I want you to know that i still enjoy it as much as I did when I started. Thanks for sticking with me until now and let me know when you joined our story!

Now without further a do, don't forget to vote, comment and maybe even follow if you like the chapter. And certainly do not forget to enjoy the chapter!

Wordcount: 6387

"Alright guys! Here we go!" Ash shouted on top of his lungs with full excitement. He clenched his fist infront of his chest as he looked at the large group of pokemon standing infront of him.

Narrator: It's been a few days since the prom. The school year has ended and Ash was now preparing himself for the Kalos League.

"Do you know anything about the format already Ash?" Gary asked, standing beside him with Shauna hooked onto his arm as they watched Ash and his pokemon getting ready.

"I've heard that things are a bit different since last time so I don't have a clue." Ash said proudly to which everyone sweatdropped and fell in anime style.

"I think I might know something!" Serena pointed out, standing closely next to her boyfriend as she was the first to recover. She pulled out her rotom phone and started reading the information.

"Appearently the league has never had so many participants so you're starting with preliminary rounds that are in a total of three battles. They say that the first two are one on one battles but the third one is special in some kind of way. If you win them all, you qualify for the main tournament. The preliminaries are meant to narrow the total amount of opponents down to 256." She explained as she continued.

"Also, this says that you first have to win the preliminaries that will be held on practice fields around the stadium before you go to the main tournament. There, you will have to battle on four different fields, in four different stadiums before you reach the final tournament." She finished before putting her rotom phone away again, back into her skirt pocket.

"Thanks Serena!" Ash said as he gave her a lovely smile which she immediately answered with a little giggle and a kiss on his cheek. "I'm confident that you're gonna mop the floor with anyone that comes in your way!"

Ash smiled as he pulled her close, having his arm around her shoulders while stroking her arm with his hand, up and down.

"So Ashy-boy! Three preliminary rounds. Which pokemons are you gonna use?" Gary questioned.

"Hmm... Good question..." Ash said, placing his indexfinger under his chin as he started thinking about it. Then, he looked up and grinned sheepishly. "I'll figure it out when the moment is there!"

Gary and Shauna shook their heads in disapproval as Serena laughed. "Typical you..."

Ash laughed once more before turning back to his pokemon. "Okay guys! Once more from the start!"

Everyone of his pokemon roared their signature cry in agreement.

"I'm gonna make some pokepuffs for them." Serena suggested, kissing his cheek. Before walking back inside. "I'll help you out Serena!" Shauna exclaimed before following her inside.

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