Feelings.. CH-32

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"Wait... Could it be because I'm a champion now?" I asked myself. That would be reasonable for her behaviour. I mean she would act nervous around a champion right?
But she also acted a bit like this when we traveled I remember...

And what about that weird and warm feeling inside me? AARGG this is to stressful! Let's go to sleep, tomorrow another schoolday! I'm already psyched!

With that Ash fell quickly asleep with Pikachu next to him on his pillow, curled up like a ball.


Delia: BOYSS!!! It's 6 am now! School starts in two hours!

Ash and Gary: Right!

Ash grabbed a towel and made his way to the bathroom only to see Gary run past him.

Ash: Let me guess... The ladies?

Gary: Right Ashy boy!

Ash: Stop with that name! I'm getting you back if you continue Gary.

Gary: Whatever..

Ash and Pikachu smirked at eachother because they would deal with Gary later. While he was taking a shower, Ash and Pikachu went downstairs for breakfast.

Ash: Morning mom!

Pikachu: Pikaaa

Delia: Morning Ash! Here is your breakfast! And here is yours Pikachu!

She put two plates with pancakes on it infront of Ash and Pikachu. The one for Pikachu had Ketchup over it.

They ate their breakfast and when they were done, Ash hopped in the bathroom to take a shower. Gary had already finished and as soon as Ash went up, Gary went down to eat his breakfast.

When Ash was done in the bathroom and he put a new pair of clothes on, he went downstairs to grab some of his pokeballs for the day. Today he would have a battle with Misty, it would be Croconaw's first battle since it evolved.

When Ash was finished, he was ready to go as he said "I'm off mom!

Delia: Wait Ash!

Ash turned around as Delia gave him a lunchbox.

Ash: Let me guess? Gary forgot it? Speaking of him, where is he?

Then Ash heard a couple of girls giggling and he already knew enough.

Ash: That Gary... he forget's his lunch but he doesn't forget girls...

Delia: Hurry up Ash! Otherwise you'll be late!

Ash: Right! I need to be on time for Serena anyway because we agreed to walk together!

Delia: Awww, you two look really cute together...

Ash: What do you mean mom?

Delia: You'll see, now hurry!

Ash: Oh, right! C'mon Pikachu and Lucario!

Pikachu hopped on Ash's shoulder while Lucario ran beside him as they ran over to Serena's house. When they arrived, they took a minute to catch their breath and then Ash pressed the doorbell.

The door opened and Grace stood in the dooropening.

Grace: Hi Ash! I think you are waiting for Serena, am I right?

Ash: Yep!

"She'll be down in a minute." Grace said as she walked away from the door and towards the stairs. There she shouted "Serena! Your boyfriend is here!"

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