Doubts CH-63

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Narrator: After Serena finally managed to win het first Princess Key, Serena met up with Ash and friends in the main lobby of the Showcase arena.

"I'm so happy, this is the first step to become Kalos Queen!" Serena exclaimed, looking up to Ash who still had his arms around her waist.

"You're surely gonna win it this time, I know you will!" Ash exclaimed forming a fist infront of his chest.

"Thanks Ash." Serena said, burried her head in his chest for a short moment before she releases and turned to the the rest of the gang.

"It does look really pretty." May pointed out, looking closely at the princess key.

"Yeah! And this is the first time I'm seeing it up close!" Dawn exclaimed in excitement as she leans in so that she's inches away from the key.

Serena smiled and looked at the key. "Thanks guys!" She said happily.

"Congratulations Serena! You really deserved it!" Serena, Ash, Dawn and May turned around and infront of them stood a girl with pink hair, black glasses, a white fedora with a orange ribbon tied around it, a white shirt with a black neclace and black pants. She also had a small orange purse around her shoulder.

"Aria!" Serena exclaimed, a bit shocked to see non other than the Kalos Queen infront of her.

"Shh!" She quiclky wispered with her index finger infront of her mouth. "I don't want people to know this is one of my disguises!" Aria exclaimed. Luckely for her, nobody seemed to notice.

Both May and Dawn looked with widened eyes at Aria. "Wait... If you're Aria, then you must be..." Dawn said with her hand under her chin. "The current Kalos Queen." Serena finished.

Both girls eyes widened and their pupils shrank. Aria grinned. "Hello May and Dawn, your performances were good too!" She said in a friendly manner while waving at them.

"Thank you so much Aria!" Both May and Dawn said as they squealed. Aria turned to Serena. "Serena? Do you have time for a quick chat?" She asked.

"Huh?" Serena looked at Ash for a moment who nodded at her with a friendly smile on his face. "S-Sure..." Serena replied as she slowly let go of Ash's hands which she was still holding.

Serena turned around for a moment. "I'll be right back guys." Serena said before before turning back and walking down a hallway with Aria. There was a pieceful silence as they walked. "Here it is, come in." Aria said in a friendly manner as Serena nodded. She opened the door, revealing her own dressing room.

She had a large mirror with a desk infront of it. On the left side of the room was a big sofa with a flatscreen tv hanging on the wall. On the far right was a walk in closet, completely filled with dresses and outfits she could choose from for her performances.

"This room is amazing... Are all your dressing rooms like this?" Serena asked in amazement.

Aria giggled. "Yes they sure are but depending on the place, the colours are different. Like for example, the white walls here, in Coumarine, they're green." Aria explained as they walked to the sofa. "Come sit down for a moment."

"O-Okay." Serena said as she sat down next to Aria. "What do you wanna talk about?"

Aria's face expresion turned serious. "I want to talk about your dream."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Serena asked in confusion.

"Well..." Aria started before she continued. "Is becoming Kalos Queen really what you want?"

"Y-Yes? Ofcourse I want to become Kalos Queen! I love to perform on stage and make people happy!" Serena exclaimed in a determined tone.

"It isn't really that great as you think..." Aria said in a sad manner.

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