Memories and a Performing Beauty! CH-60

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It is sunday morning, the day of Serena's first showcase in three years!

Serena slowly started to wake up. She slowly sat up straight and rubbed her eyes. After she was done, she looked around in her room.

Her room was mostly a combination between pink and white. On her light brown desk stood a laptop with a pink cover. Next to it stood a small jar with pencils, a ruler and a pair of scissors in it. She looked even more to the left and there was a picture in a small frame, one of her and Ash with their arms around eachothers waists, hugging eachother. Serena had her head on his chest while he had his rest on top of hers, both had eyes closed and seemed to enjoy the moment.

Serena smiled up on seeing the picture before looking next to her. Next to her was her boyfriend, wide asleep but somehow still with his arms around her middle. She smiled once more seeing him like that. She always found it cute to watch him sleep.

Ash stayed over at Serena's for the weekend. They started to make it a habit of sleeping together during the weekend. During the week, they slept mostly on their own because of school. Serena needed much more time than Ash to prepare for school and therefore slept mostly at home.

She took a look at the pink alarm clock on a small little shelf next to her bed which stood next to a cup of water. "6.30 AM." She read. My performance is at 1.00 PM so I've still got plenty of time. She thought and turned back to her sleeping boyfriend. She looked at him once more. "I love you so much..." She wispered before giving him a 5 second long kiss and laying down and snuggle up to him again. She laid her head down on his chest while wrapping her arms around him, hugging him tightly as she closed her eyes.

Pikachu was nicely sleeping at the back end of the bed, curled up in a ball, dreaming about ketchup. Lucario decided to stay home as he wanted to improve and was training a lot woth Sceptile and Greninja. He thought that they were great opponents as both of them as well as Lucario fight a lot on close range and need to depend on their speed. Lucario pushed himself a lot when he was training with those two and formed a strong bond as well as a rivalry with them.

A hour later, Ash started to wake up and as he opened his eyes, he saw his girlfriend curled up to him while her head was still on his chest. He smiled up on seeing her, he always felt like he could take on anything aslong she was by his side.

Ash yawned once before he pecked Serena on her forehead, making her smile in her sleep. He decided to lay back down, putting one hand behind hid head and the other wrapped around Serena as he stared at the ceiling, enjoying the moment as he thought about what happened in the past few weeks.


I came back from Alola, becoming their first champion. Then on my way home, we had to stop in Sinnoh where I ultimately ended up befriending Lucario which was still a Riolu.

When I reached Pallet Town, I heard we were gonna move to Kalos so I could study at Sycamore High aswell as enter the World League, along with my longtime rival and best friend Gary.

During the few weeks in Pallet Town, I had some adventures with and without Gary where I recaught Pidgeot, I caught Dragonite and Gengar. Later on, on mount Silver, I met my old friend Tyranitar again from the time it was still a baby Larvitar. It feels great to him back at my side, I feel like he really improved my team a lot. During the final days, training and running some errands for Professor Oak, some of my pokemon evolved. Totodile became Croconaw, Gible became Gabite and Buizel became Floatzel.

Later on when we finally went to Kalos. On the boat, Gary and I had a double battle together agaisnt two other trainers. It was the first time ever we battled together like that and to say the truth, it was one of the best experiences ever! Gary and I managed to beat them fairly easy using Charizard and Blastoise.

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