Goodbye Kanto, I'll miss you.. CH-11

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We start where we left off, Ash was flying on Pidgeot's back accompanied by Pikachu and Riolu.

After a couple hours flying they have finally landed in Pallet Town at professor Oak's lab. When they hopped off, he returned Pidgeot back to it's pokeball.

Ash: It's 3pm now, and we've got 1 more day to spend here guys! Tomorrow we're leaving for Kalos!

Pikachu: Pika!

Riolu: Rio!

Ash couldn't help but smile at their excitement as he walked towards the door of the lab. As he went inside, he started searching for professor Oak.

Ash: Professor! We're back!

Professor Oak walks out of a room at the left side at the end of the hallway.

Prof. Oak: Ah Ash! Welcome back!

Ash: Good to see you professor!

Prof. Oak: Same here Ash, How was yo- He got cut off by a voice calling out Ash's name

???: Ash!

Ash: Mom! What are you do-

Ash got cut off by Delia giving him a bear hug.

Delia: Why are you back this late Ash Ketchum! You know we leave tomorrow! She scolded Ash.

Ash: Yes I know mom... You probably know the reason why I left in the first place and I'll tell you now it was all worth it! Ash said excited.

???: Hello there Ashy-boy!

Ash: Gary! Stop calling me that! He said frustrated but excited.

Delia: Why don't we head over to our place for dinner? It's already 6pm.

Ash: What! I just arrived! How can the time fly this quickly!

Prof. Oak: Calm down Ash, I think it's a wonderful idea Delia! Thanks for having us.

Delia: No problem at all! And since it's our last night here in Kanto, I'll make something really special!

Ash: I can't wait mom! He yelled while drooling at the thought of the food.

Gary: Ash... You're drooling... He said as he bursts out in laughter.

This made Ash snap out of his thoughts as he replied to Gary.

Ash: Shut it Gary! You know how I am, eat, sleep, pokemon!

They all start laughing at this and then they walked over to Ash & Delia's home. They started to eat dinner for the last time in their home in Kanto.

Ash looked a bit sad while eating and this didn't go unnoticed.

Delia: What's wrong Ash? A minute ago you we're so excited to eat!

Ash: It's nothing, don't worry. As he put up a fake smile.

They ate in silence for a bit until professor Oak broke it.

Prof. Oak: Ash, you are gonna pick up your pokemon tomorrow morning right?

Ash: That's right professor! Just before we leave!

Gary: I'll do the same gramps, They also need to enjoy their last time in Kanto aswell. Atleast after i'm done with the education, then I'm coming back ofcourse!

Prof. Oak: Right! I'll make sure I've got them gathered tomorrow morning when you two arrive.

Ash: Thanks professor! That saves us a lot of time!

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