Ash Versus Remo! Dragons versus Godzilla! ~ CH-116

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Chapter 116 - This is the first part of a two part battle between Ash and Remo. Over the course of the battle, Remo proves to be more than a difficult opponent to Ash and his pokemon.

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Important info: The commentator will be written in Italics.

League scoreboard:
Bold: Trainer/Pokemon name

Italics: Fainted Pokemon

Underline: Resting Pokemon

(Pokeball): Unrevealed Pokemon

For example - Trainer A: Poke1, Poke2, Poke3, Poke4, Poke5 (Pokeball), Poke6 (active one)

Wordcount: 5695

Before the actual chapter starts, I want to talk about something that impacted me but also all of us as a community. The news of Ash and Pikachu leaving the anime after 25 years.

To me, it comes as a blow to the face but also it was foreseeable. Personally I am not happy with the news since I adored Ash and Pikachu since the start of the show. The two of them stood for my childhood and are up until this day a (big) part of my life. Seeing them go like that is like closing a heavy door in my life.

Personally I wanted to see Ash travel to Paldea, doing what he always does. Going with his trusty partner, catch a bunch of the new Pokémon and eventually challange the league and maybe even win. But unfortunately, that won't happen now we get for the first time in 25 years a new protagonist(s).

It's very scary to see new mc's trying to take over such a big legacy and I don't know if I'm ready to go along with them and watch them. Part of me is willing to give it a chance but it's also saying to finally end this chapter of my life.

For a moment, I was even tempted to say goodbye to the book aswell but soon realised that whatever the anime decides to do, I need to keep going with the book. Writing my own version of Ash and his friends and keep on traveling with them the way I want.

Luckily though, for the anime's sake, we get an 11 episode long Epilogue to finish Ash's story. What I hope for in that epilogue is that they reminisce over all the regions and journeys Ash and Pikachu have been on but also I hope they finally make, what were all longing for now so long, that Amourshipping becomes canon. Like, the most famous pokegirl and one of the most iconic characters should get together right? Let me know your opinion on this matter.

Now, I think I've said enough so without further a do, enjoy the chapter!


Narrator: Last time, Ash prepared for his second round battle against Remo. He decided to switch up his team for this battle. Let's see how things turn out...

"Let's let them taste some of our power! Go Hydreigon!"

"Talonflame, I choose you!"

Both trainers threw their pokeballs and their chosen pokemon appeared on their respective sides. They let out a dominant screech as they took stance infront of their trainers, eyeing eachother closely.

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