Surprising Strategies! CH-78

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Narrator: Last time, Ash and Serena managed to beat Calem and Miette in a heated battle where Snivy evolved, ending up being a key factor in their victory. Currently it's the second day of the tournament as our heroes are watching the conclusion of the second round battle between the teams of May and Trevor against Paul and Dawn.

"Looks like May and Trevor are heaving a rough time." Ash commented. May was using her Blaziken as Trevor used his Mega Charizard Y. Dawn had Piplup infront of her and Paul used his Electivire.

Both Charizard and Blaziken were breathing heavily while Electivire and Piplup were raring to go thanks to some effective uses of protect by Paul and Electivire.

Right after the first round battles finished, the draw for the second round appeared. Most of Ash's group of friends faced off against other students. Except for May and Dawn as all eyes were pinned on them. The other notable battle was that after Dawn and May's battle, Ash and Serena had to face off against Sawyer and a childhood friend of his, Millie.

"May and Trevor need to come up with something fast!" Brock pointed out as he watched Blaziken and Charizard Y carefully.

"I must say that Paul uses protect to his maximum potential. Thanks to that, Blaziken and Charizard aren't able to use Mega Charizard Y's ability Drought to good use." Gary noted.

"I'm going in, we need to make a move May!" Trevor exclaimed, earning a nod from May. "Charizard, use Flamethrower!" Trevor exclaimed.

Mega Charizard Y roared loudly before he unleashed a thick stream of fire towards Electivire.

"Protect!" Paul roared loudly. "Vire!" Electivire exclaimed as he put his arms wide and a green forcefield surrounded Electivire. The Flamethrower hit the shield but the shield was to strong as the flames dispersed all over the shield, ending up hitting nothing but air.

"Now May!" Trevor shouted and right at the same time May pointed her hand to Piplup. "Blaziken use Close Combat!"

"Blazikeeen---!" Blaziken roared as it ran with incredible speed at Piplup. His fists and feet started to glow brightly.

"Piplup, slow Blaziken down with Hydro Pump!" "Dawn commanded as Piplup raised his head up in order to store more power. A blue blob formed in his mouth before Piplup released it, turning into a massive stream of water.

Wait... A little longer... May thought as the water type move inched closer and closer. "Now, jump!" May yelled and at the exact same moment, Blaziken jumped, barely making it over the stream of water which was going at a breakneck pace. "Now!!" May yelled passionately.

"Blazikeeenn---!" Blaziken screamed as Blaziken delivered Piplup a barrage of kicks, jabs and blows. The last punch he delivered proved fatal as Piplup got launched into the stadium wall.

"Piplup!" Dawn exclaimed worriedly. Paul looked at the place where Piplup got launched into the wall. He knew if it were to be him alone against Blaziken and Charizard, he'd be in a bad spot. "I'll cover you Dawn." Paul said as he turned to Electivire. "Use Thunder on the battlefield!"

"Ele---ctivire---!" Electivire exclaimed at he put both of his tails into the ground and released a massive and destructive electric bolt in the direction of Charizard and Blaziken who returned infront of their trainers. A combination of rocks and boulders shot into the sky due to the incredible power Electivire released. As the rocks reached their max height, they rained down above Blaziken and Charizard.

"What!?" Both May and Trevor exclaimed as they never seen such a move before. Ash looked on from the side, slightly smiling which Serena noticed. Brock also nodded and smiled aswell as he knew what Ash was thinking about.

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