Battle of the Researchers! CH-20

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Today it is monday, the first day at Sycamore High for Ash and Gary. For once in Ash his life he didn't over sleep on a important day.

Ash and Gary needed to be early at school because when new students arrive at the school, they have to do an introduction battle against a opponent chosen by the student or professor Sycamore since he is the principal.

As Ash woke up, it was now 6 am and school started at 8 am. He made his way to the bathroom but before he could enter, Gary zoomed past him and locked the door quickly.

Ash: Gary!? What are you doing!?

Gary: I have to look good for the ladies Ashy-boy!

"Right..." Ash replied as he went downstairs with Pikachu and Riolu for breakfast.

After Ash was done with breakfast, Gary finished his shower so Ash grabbed a towel and went in.

When both Ash and Gary finished, it was now 6.30 am. They both switched the team up for today's battle and went out.

After 30 minutes of walking they arrived at school where professor Sycamore already was waiting at the gates since they are new.

Prof. Sycamore: Morning you two!

Ash and Gary: Morning professor!

"Would you two follow me to my office?" Prof. Sycamore said as he started walking.

Ash: sure! And both of them followed him to his office.

Serena POV

Serena just woke up. It's 6.30 am and another schoolday was around the corner.

Serena got out of bed and took a shower. After finishing and putting her clothes on, she went downstairs where her mom was already making breakfast.

Grace: Morning dear, did you sleep well?

Serena: Morning mom! Yeah, I haven't slept this good in ages!

Grace: Oh? Did something happen yesterday? She said while narrowing her eyes and a cheeky grin formed on her face.

Serena: What? NO!
"She can't know I kissed Ash on his cheek" Serena thought while blushing a bit.

Grace noticed it and said "Ok, if you say so..." while keeping the same look at her.

Serena: Is breakfast ready? Dawn and May are waiting for me! Trying to change the subject.

Grace: Yeah, here you go. She said while giving her a plate.

The breakfast Grace prepared cosisted out of eggs and bacon. Serena finished her breakfast quickly, brushed her teeth and went outside.

She needed to walk a little bit until she arrived at the place where they agreed to meet up. When Serena arrived she saw them standing there already.

Serena: Morning guys! She said as she walked over to them

Both May and Dawn turned their heads and looked towards Serena. "Goodmorning Serena!"

They started walking towards school and talked a bit on their way.

Dawn: Did yoh guys know we get two new students today?

Serena: No? Do you anything about them?

May: I know one is Ash's childhood friend and rival Gary, but the other one is a complete mystery to me...

Dawn: Same here...

Serena: Well, it can't be Ash.. He told me he would go to Santalune City to battle against Viola so he could warm up for the World League.

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