Bound By Fate, A Battle of Rivals! ~ CH-130

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Chapter 130 - Bound By Fate, A Battle of Rivals!

This chapter is one part of the epic battle between Ash and Paul. Both trainers managed to reach the semi finals, impressively taking out their opponents to reach this stage.

I don't have much to say other than let me know what you think of this part and if it comes close to the Paul vs Alain battle in terms of excitement and action.

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Important info: The commentator will be written in Italics.

League scoreboard:
Bold: Trainer/Pokemon name

Italics: Fainted Pokemon

Underline: Resting Pokemon

(Pokeball): Unrevealed Pokemon

For example - Trainer A: Poke1, Poke2, Poke3, Poke4, Poke5 (Pokeball), Poke6 (active one)

Wordcount: 7073


Narrator: Last time, the semi final battle between Ash and Paul started. Both trainers started off with their Torterra. We'll join them as the two stare each other down.

"Torterra, return for now!" Paul said as he took his pokeball out.

"Paul is already switching pokemon!"

Ash looked up surprised for a second while Paul put it away and took out a new one. He enlarged it before throwing it up. "Garchomp, stand by for battle!"

The pokeball flashed open and the land shark appeared, growling menacingly as it prepared itself for battle.

"Paul's second pokemon is a Garchomp!"

The screen updated, turning Torterra's picture to grey while colouring Garchomp's picture.

"A Garchomp!?" Ash shouted in disbelief. He knew most of Paul's pokemon but never expected him to have caught a Garchomp.

Over at the stands, Brock and Dawn were equally surprised. "When did he catch that?" Dawn commented with surprise in her voice.

"It must've been when he went to re-challange Brandon." Brock deduced.

Garchomp formed a fierce stance as it smirked at Torterra, showing its teeth as it did. Normally, Paul would act stone cold but now he decided to taunt Ash a little. "How do you like my new asset?" He asked with a sly smirk on his face.

Ash shook his head to compose himself again. "Looks good. Hope it battles like that..." He countered, forming a grin himself.

"How about you find out..." Paul said as he raised his hand up high. "Stealth Rock!"

"Garrr--!" Garchomp screeched as it jumped up high. Garchomp quickly started spining around in the air, forming a swirl of sand and jagged rocks around its body. As soon as it stopped spinning, it sent the rocks floating around the battlefield, where they disappeared from view.

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