Surpassing The Flames! CH-74

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Narrator: Last time, Ash and Drayden started off their battle. Druddigon and Snorlax weren't able to best eachother, resulting in a draw. After Snorlax, Ash decided to gice Dragonite his debut battle against non other than Drayden's Hydreigon. Just as things seemed to look up, Drayden caught Ash by surprise using a close range Outrage attack. Both pokemon had some sustainable damage as Dragonite flew in with Thunder Punch while Hydreigon used Head Smash.

Smoke was everywhere on the battlefield, Ash looked worriedly around in order to find Dragonite, hoping it was still standing. Drayden looked calm and composed, not worried a bit since he and Hydreigon had been through countless battles.

As the smoke started to vanish, it revealed Hydreigon shakely hovering while Dragonite was on the ground, out for the count with spirals in his eyes. "Dragonite is unable to battle, Hydreigon is the winner!" The referee announced.

Ash took a deep sigh as he recalled Dragonite. He smiled at the pokeball. "You did great buddy, we'll make sure your hard work will not go to waste." He said before putting it away.

"Poor Dragonite, things looked like they were going so well---." Serena said in a sad manner. Both Iris and Cilan nodded at Serena's statement, feeling proud about what Dragonite accomplished in it's first ever battle.

Back on the battlefield, Ash was thinking about his options. I've still got Garchomp, Infernape, Pikachu and Lucario left. But who do I sent in to face Hydreigon and possibly two other pokemon. I don't even know which pokemon he'll use! The only thing I know is that they're dragon types!

"Challenger Ash, bring out your next pokemon." The referee called out. Ash snapped out of his thoughts. "Right---" he said as he grabbed a pokeball from his belt. "Garchomp, I choose you!" Ash exclaimed as he tossed the pokeball into the air. It opened up and the massive land shark appeared infront of Ash. "Garrrr---!" The Mach Pokemon roared loudly as it widened it's winglike arms, releasing a powerful wave of aura.

Drayden looked a bit surprised but grinned shortly after. "A Garchomp? This might get interesting---" He said as he narrowed his eyes. "Hydreigon, Outrage!" Drayden exclaimed.

"Hy--Drei--Gon!" Hydreigon exclaimed as his eyes turned red again and moved towards Garchomp with incredible speed.

"Dodge to the left and follow up with Crunch!" Ash instructed, already knowing what to do next. Just as Hydreigon was about to strike with it's middle head, Garchomp dodged to the right with split second timing. "Garrr---!" Garchomp exclaimed as his teeth turned silver and bit in Hydreigon's neck who cried out in pain.

"Keep up the pressure, Dragon Claw!" Ash continued as Garchomp kept biting Hydreigon's neck who couldn't make a single move. His claw on it's winglike arm started to to chance into a draconic green before he roared loudly and slammed it on Hydreigon's back while letting go of his neck at the same time.


Some dust whipped up but it was clear to see that Hydreigon was slammed into the ground. As the last bit of the dust dissapeared, it revealed Hydreigon lying on the ground with swirls in his eyes. "Hydreigon is unable to battle, Garchomp is the winner!" The referee exclaimed, pointing the green flag in his hand towards Drayden's side.

"Alright! Now it's two all!" Serena celebrated. "Ash made some quick work of Hydreigon there." Iris noted as Cilan tried to come up with a line with food in it. "Yeah! Things are spicing up now!" Cilan exclaimed. Both Serena and Iris sweatdropped for a moment before looking back at the battlefield.

"Good job Garchomp!" Ash praised his Dragon type who grinned at Ash while Drayden recalled Hydreigon. Garchomp turned around to face Drayden. He let out a deafening roar while looking fiercely, indicating that he was still raring to go.

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