An Unexpected Surprise! CH-67

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Narrator: After a long and tiring schoolday, Ash finds himself in his own backyard. Our hero is training for his upcoming gym battle for the World League.

"Come on Pikachu! We've got a lot od training to do and our gym battle is in a couple of days!" Ash exclaimed excitedly as he opened the backdoor of the house, leading to the backyard. "Pika-Pikachu--" Pikachu exclaimed, running after his trainer.

"We've got a hour before we go to Lumiose City Pikachu! Let's see--" Ash said as he looked around the backyard, searching for the pokemon he wanted to train with. "Bulbasaur! Can you call the others over?" Ash asked Bulbasaur as he saw him roaming around. "Bulba-" He exclaimed as he nodded. Bulbasaur launched a couple seeds in the air, exploding into purple, orange, red, yellow, green, blue and white fireworks, resembling all the regions Ash caught his pokemon from.

Ash agreed to go with Serena to Lumiose City in order to run a few errands for her mom and while being there, they planned on going to the Lumiose Gym.

A little while later, after greeting Ash in their own special way, they lined up infront of Ash. "Gliscor, Donphan, Krookodile, Palpitoad, Torterra and Boldore. I want to train with you guys today. The rest of you can train with eachother or on your own." Ash said with a small smile on his face.

They all cheered while each let their own cry out before they seperated again and went their own way. Some of them started training together. Garchomp and Tyranitar sparred and the flying types worked on their speed.

"Okay, let's form up in sparring teams. Boldore and Torterra, you two work on your offensive and defensive moves. Palpitoad and Gliscor, I want you to work on your speed and counter attacks while Krookodile and Donphan work on your raw power." Ash instructed.

As they started to form their groups, Ash, together with Pikachu by his side, instructed them on which moves to use. "Boldore use Flash Cannon and Torterra, Block and strike back with Frenzy Plant! Donphan use Rollout and Krookodile, try to stop it using Dragon Claw. Palpitoad use Mud Bomb on Gliscor and Gliscor try to manouver around it using the training you've done with the Air Battle Master!"

Palpitoad leaped up and spun around it's axis as he released multiple mud balls from his mouth using his tongue. As the Mud Bomb came closer and closer, Gliscor waited until the last second before it leaped up and moved incredibly well past each one on high speed.

"Palpitoad, focus and aim more closely! Looking great Gliscor!" Ash exclaimed, praising the two pokemon

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"Palpitoad, focus and aim more closely! Looking great Gliscor!" Ash exclaimed, praising the two pokemon. Meanwhile Krookodile charged up as greenlike energy surrounded his claws. "Don-Don-Don-Donphaan--" Donphan exclaimed as it curled up in a ball and rolled at high speed towards Krookodile.

"Brace yourself Krookodile! And dig your feet into the ground for extra grip!" Ash instructed. "Krokoo--" Krookodile exclaimed as it readied itself, putting his arms forward while digging his feet into the ground.


Some dust whipped up as Donphan clashed against Krookodile's claws. "Donphan, use your momentum of the rolling to gain more speed and power. Krookodile, you're doing great but use Donphan's momentum as a suspension. Lure Donphan in a bit before pushing him back!" Ash exclaimed, thinking of ways to counter strong physical moves.

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