Master Class Begins! ~ CH-105

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Alright everyone! This time I decided to do the announcement at the start of the chapter. I know it took longer and for now I will upload once a week until I find more time and bring it back to two times.

For now, I don't really have to tell you anything except to enjoy this chapter to the best of your ability! As always, thanks for the love and support, don't forget to follow and make sure to vote and comment!

Wordcount: 5595

Small disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. If I did, Ash would've beaten Alain and would've won a real league before challenging the E4 + Diantha.

It was an early morning as Serena slowly opened her eyes, waking up. She felt her body to be cuddled up against what she loved the most. Ash, her boyfriend.

Ash was still sleeping so Serena decided to hug him a bit more while laying her head down on his chest. She let out a sleepy sigh as she closed her eyes again, enjoying the calm and quiet room.

But then she realised something. What time is it? Serena wondered as she moved her head up in order to look at the clock that was in a shape of a Pidgey.

"Thirty minutes past ten." Serena mumbled to herself as she laid her head back down on Ash's chest. As soon as she had done this, her eyes shot wide open.

"THIRTY PAST TEN!?" She shouted, sitting up straight in bed.

"W-whats going on---?" Ash asked groggily in a sleepy tone as he moved up aswell, rubbing his eyes.

"Ash! We need to get ready now! We've slept in and if we don't hurry up, we'll miss the train to Gloire City!"

Ash immediately jumped out of bed as Serena rushed to the bathroom. Serena took a shower as Ash woke up Pikachu. Pikachu wasn't really happy with this but as Ash managed to explain the reason while dodging a few bolts of electricity, he calmed down.

Once Serena was done in the bathroom, Ash had a quick shower aswell. Luckily, as Serena walked down the stairs, she could smell already something nice and lovely, indicating that Delia probably was making breakfast. And her suspicion was turned out to be true as she walked into the kitchen.

"Morning!" Serena greeted with a beaming smile.

"Oh morning Serena!" Delia said as she placed the baking pan on the oven. She turned around and frowned. "Aren't you and Ash supposed to be on your way yet?"

Serena sank through her knees with anime tears streaming down her face. "Yes..."

"Have a seat then, breakfast is ready" Delia smiled as she took the paling pan and placed the pancakes she was making on a plate.

"Charizard is ready!" Ash exclaimed, panting as he had just run down the stairs.

"Good, now you eat your breakfast too." Delia said as she placed another plate on the table.

"Thanks mom!" Ash said as he jumped on a barstool and started gobbling down the food. "This is amazing!" He exclaimed, petting his belly before continuing to eat.

"You eat up aswell Pikachu." Delia said, handing over a plate with pancakes on it.

As soon as the plate was put on the table, Pikachu's eyes sparkled. "Pika----" He drooled as he saw Ketchup on top of the pancake.

Both Delia and Serena shook their hands as they saw pokemon like trainer, both gobbling down their breakfast the same way.

After they finished their breakfast, Ash and Serena took their bags which they luckily had prepared the night before and walked up to Charizard.

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