Ash and Serena! CH-55

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Ash and Serena, Along with Lucario just picked up Pikachu, Infernape and Ash's newly evolved Garchomp from the pokemon center.

"Now we've got Pikachu and the others. Please, can you tell me where you wanna go Ash?" Serena asks as they exit the pokemon center.

Ash then sees what he was heading for. He smiles and chuckles a bit as he points into the direction, causing Pikachu, Lucario and Serena look in the same direction as he says. "There, that's were we go first!"

Right infront of them is an ice cream stand. Both Pikachu and Lucario have sparkles in their eyes while drooling. Serena giggles at the sight of the two as they walk over. "What do you want Serena? I'll pay for all of us!" Ash asks.

"You sure Ash? You don't need to." Serena says, looking at him with a soft smile.

"Not gonna happen! I'm paying for all of us. You don't have to spend anything! Now, what do you want Serena?" Ash asks, smiling back at her with a determined look in his eyes.

"Okay... I would like a strawberry ice cream with one ball of vanilla on top of it." Serena says.

"Got it! And I would like to order a vanilla, combined with chocolate please! And the same for Pikachu and Lucario please." Ash says.

"Right away sir." The man in the ice cream stand says.

Within a matter if seconds, the stand owner gives them the ice cream they ordered and Ash paid. After receiving their ice cream, they sat down on a nearby bench and happily ate their ice cream.

"This is so good!" Ash exclaims, stars appearing in his eyes.

"Yeah! This is delicious!" Serena says, enjoying her ice cream.

"Now, how about we go and relax a bit in the park?" Ash asks, standing up and extending his hand to Serena.

Serena smiles as she takes it. "Sounds great!" She says.

They both walk together, along with Pikachu and Lucario towards the park on the edge of Lumiose City. They walk for a couple of minutes until they reach an open clearance with a small pond in the middle. They both look at the sight and see some water pokemon swimming while some wild Bidoof are building a small dam at the edge of the pond.

"This place sure looks nice, what do you think?" Ash asks.

"It looks amazing Ash, since when did you become so romantic?" Serena jokes.

Ash shrugs. "I dunno, I just wanna see you happy. That makes me happy aswell. Ash says, smiling towards her.

Serena looks at him in awe before she leans in and pecks him on the lips. In the meantime, Pikachu and Lucario ran off playing.

Ash realises it and says. "Let's out bring our other pokemon aswell!"

"Good idea Ash!" Serena says.

They both throw their pokeballs into the air, revealing Delphox, Sylveon, Pancham, Altaria, Infernape, Torterra, Garchomp and Squirtle.

"We've decided to relax here for a while, you guys can play with Pikachu and Lucario if you want." Ash says, facing the pokemon.

All pokemon cheer and run off while Ash and Serena sit down on the grass, closely next to eachother while leaning their backs against a tree.

Ash sighs. "This sure is nice isn't it?" Ash asks, staring right infront of him.

"Yeah, I'm glad you made me change my mind so I don't have to practice now." Serena says, looking at Ash.

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