Calem's Story! CH-27

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My name is Calem Xavier, I'm 17 years old and I live in a decent sized appartment with my father Jonathan. He's a busdriver here in Lumiose City, my mother Lucy is a nurse in the Lumiose hospital, just like my sister Sonia who's 5 years older than me.

On my 10th birtday, I went to professor Sycamore's lab and I received my first pokemon. It was a Chespin wich evolved into Chesnaught now.

Last year I competed in the Kalos League and I ended up 2nd, losing 6-0 against Alain and his Mega Charizard X in the final. From that moment I learned a lot and it helped me to grow and become stronger.

I'm now for two years a student at one of the best and most prestigious school's in the world, Sycamore High.

When I joined the school, I became popular rather quick and battled my way to become the new school champion. I haven't lost a battle for two years now.

I also met a couple new people along the way. For example, last year this girl joined. She's got honey blond hair and ocean blue eyes. I've fallen competely for her and I've been trying to get closer to her. Thanks to her friend Shauna I finally got close and I asked her a couple weeks ago to become my girlfriend.

It really hurts me but she denied but we're still good friends. It won't hold me back though, I'm not giving up on her!

Now we're back at what happened today. There were two new students arriving at our school. Some guy named Gary Oak and my enemy Ash Ketchum.. Yes enemy!

As you know by now, new students have to do an introduction battle. Ash decided he wanted a full 6 on 6 battle. I laughed at first because I'm the school champion and he was just a new kid. After Gary's battle, we were about to have our battle but he invited Gladion of the Alolan Elite Four to do some dramatic introduction.

I couldn't care about that but as soon as he took a look at Serena, that made me angry. I hardly knew this guy for 5 minutes and he's already trying to steal my girl! And worst of all, SHE BLUSHED!!

I shook it off at first but this guy who's appearently Alola's champion beat me 6-0 and they all cheered for him! Inclusive Serena!

He tried to give me a friendly handshake at the end but I slapped his hand away. That'll teach him!

He literally stole what I worked hard for over the last two years and I'm going to take it all back!

Now we're back at the present and Ash and Serena went into Lumiose City together. Me and my friends Trip and Miette set up a plan to get them away from eachother before anything starts happening between those two.

Calem: Miette and Trip? Are you ready?

Trip: If you tell me what I need to do, then I am.

Miette: Can't we leave them alone Calem?

Calem: No! He stole her from me!

"Calem, you guys didn't have anything and besides there are more girls in the world you know?" Miette said as she blushed a bit.

Calem: I don't care Miette! I want them away from eachother!

"Bu-" Miette said before Calem cut her off.

Calem: No buts! Alright Trip, as soon as they leave that café, you need to tackle Ash and Miette, you'll take Serena away from there and bring her to the place we agreed on.

Both: Ok Calem...

Both Ash and Serena walked out of the café and went on their way back home.

Calem: Now Trip!

Trip seperated from them and when he was about to strike Miette stopped him. Calem was already gone so he didn't know what Miette did.

Trip: What are you doing Miette!?

Miette: You know both Ash and Serena and you know this is wrong!

Trip: I know but what about Calem?

Miette: I'll go to the place Calem and I agreed on. I'll make sure I'll win him over before he could lay his hands on Serena!

"Wait... WHAT!? You like Calem!?" Trip said as he was shocked.

Miette: Isn't that obvious? I'm trying my best to flirt with him but he's oblivious to everything except for Serena.

Trip: Ok, I'll believe you. Now go before he'll become suspicious.

Miette: Thanks Trip!

Miette walked away and went over to the school. They agreed that they would meet at the backside of the school. When Miette arrived there, Calem was already waiting.

Calem: Miette? Where is Serena?

Miette: She isn't coming. You'll be stuck with me!

"What are you talking about Miette? Where is Serena!?" Calem said.

Miette: As I said, she isn't coming!

Calem: Why? As he started to show some anger.

"Because I'm not letting my rival take you!" Miette said in a clear tone.

Calem: Rival? What do you me-

Before Calem could finish his sentence, Miette closed in on him, placed her finger on his lips and said "I like you Calem!"


This chapter is a bit shorter but I don't think you guys like complete chapters about Calem. Anyway I needed to get this one clear so you guys know more about him and this could impact future chapters.

I hope you enjoy reading this one and I'll see you in the next!

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