Nerves of Steel! ~ CH-119

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Chapter 119 - Nerves of Steel! A little longer chapter than usual but there's a lot of information to cover. The Ash vs Morrison is a one part chapter and I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to VOTE, FOLLOW AND COMMENT for Goodluck.

Enjoy the chapter and have fun!

Important info: The commentator will be written in Italics.

League scoreboard:
Bold: Trainer/Pokemon name

Italics: Fainted Pokemon

Underline: Resting Pokemon

(Pokeball): Unrevealed Pokemon

For example - Trainer A: Poke1, Poke2, Poke3, Poke4, (Pokeball), Poke6 (active one)

Wordcount: 7500


Narrator: Last time, Ash had a day rest from the Kalos League. He mostly used that day to work on his strategies for the battle, aswell as enjoying some special time with his loving girlfriend Serena.

Now, we join Ash as he just entered the stadium and made his way to his platform, followed by Lucario and Pikachu, sitting on his shoulder.


The crowd erupted in cheers as the second trainer walked onto the battlefield. Morrison was already waiting and seeing Ash standing across from him, made him even more excited.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! U welcome you to the third battle of the day, Ash versus Morrison! Now, for everyone who doesn't know, these two formidable trainers have faced off against each other once before in the Hoenn League Conference. Let's see if this battle can stand up to the standards they set back then!"

The commentator told the crowd a few more interesting facts about both trainers. The crowd grew more excited as the commentator made it known that Ash was actually a champion.

Most people didn't know as the Alola region wasn't very known and therefore people didn't know much about it.

Ash stopped on his platform as Lucario took his place beside his trainer. Pikachu jumped of his shoulder and stood on the other side of Ash. The two pokemon stared intensively towards Morrison who had a smirk of pride and confidence on his face.

Ash closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Then, he released the air from his lungs and opened his eyes, confidently smirking at Morrison. He sent a nod of appreciation towards Morrison which he also returned.

Ash felt his belt where five pokeballs were located. One of them was Lucario's but Lucario rather stayed outside during battles so it could learn a few things here and there. Ash took one of them off his belt and took it in a firm grip as he enlarged it. He extended his arm forward and aimed it toward Morrison. "I hope you're prepared Morrison because I'm not holding back!" He shouted.

Morrison smirked at his Kantonian opponent. "I hoped you'd say that Ash." He said before closing his eyes for a second. Then, he grabbed a pokeball of his own and mimicked Ash's actions from earlier as he opened his eyes again and continued speaking. "No excuses afterwards, let's give it all we've got!" He shouted.

Ash gave an affirmative nod before the referee took his place. As he did, the large construction that switched the battlefields, sent up a large ice field. The field made a clicking noise as it was set in place.

The field was mostly covered in ice, apart from a few platform that were located on it. Also, there were huge icy pillars scattered throughout the battlefield.

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