Dealing With The Past! CH-83

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Narrator: Last time, our heroes were enjoying their break, after an incredible battle against Dawn and Paul. Now our heroes are yet to face another obstacle. The final hurdle of the tournament, the battle against Gary and Shauna.

Serena had a confident smirk on her face. "We're gonna win this Shauna, just wait and see!" She wispered under her breath as she held er unclipped pokeball firmly in her hand.

Ash looked Gary dead in the eye as he held his first choice firmly in his hand. Both him and Serena had prepared for this battle and agreed to go all out, no matter what.

"This is the final match up between the teams of Ash and Serena, and Gary and Shauna. All trainers are allowed to use two pokemon each and the battle will be over when either side's pokemon are unable to battle. Furthermore, every trainer is allowed to use only one gimmick such as Mega Evolution, Z-moves or in this rare case, Bond Phenomenon.

"What!? Only one?" Ash asked in confusion. Serena looked at him with a worried look on her face. Ash saw this as he looked over in her direction. "Hey--- don't worry... Were not gonna lose because of something like that!" Ash reassured her along with a sweet smile as he grabbed her hand and squeezed it a bit. "Now let's show them what we are made of!" He added. "Right!" Serena finished as she put up a confident smile.

"Are both sides ready?" The referee asked as he looked to both sides. Both Gary and Shauna nodded to which Ash and Serena did the same. "Good, now release your pokemon!" He added with a focused look on his face.

"Umbreon, go!"

"Go Espeon!"

Both Eeveelutions appeared infront of their trainers and let out a battlecry as they took stance.

Two Eeveelutions? If I'd use Sylveon, this battle would surely be amazing! But I have to stick to the plan. Serena thought as she looked at Umbreon and Espeon.

"Let's give them all we have, k?" Ash determinedly smiled at Serena. "No mercy..." Serena added softly with an equal determined grin.

"Let's win this Delphox!"

"Greninja, I choose you!"

"DEL!" ; "Ninja!" Both Delphox and Greninja cried out as they looked with a serious and determined expression towards Espeon and Umbreon.

"Both Gary and Shauna have chosen an Eeveelution combo, Espeon and Umbreon while Ash and Serena have chosen Greninja and Delphox. This surely could be a marvelous battle folks!" Sycamore spoke excitedly, roaring the crowd up.

"This battle surely has potential to be amazing. Knowing Ash's qualities. "Diantha said as she entered the room where Sycamore was commentating. "Yeah! And I think Serena might do pretty well too. She was runner up in the Master Class for nothing you know?" Aria added as she walked beside Diantha and sat down on a chair, looking through the window as they had an amazing view over the battlefield.

"Battle begin!" The referee announced, slamming both of his flags downwards.

"Espeon! Signal Beam!" Shauna commanded, taking the first move. "Umbreon Shadow Ball!" Gary added as he pointed his indexfinger forward.

Espeon stared at Delphox infront of her. She concentrated all her psychic energy in the Ruby in the middle of her forehead. A light blue ball of energy formed in front of Espeon'ss forehead. It then fired a rainbow-colored beam from the ball at Delphox.

Umbreon opened its mouth and formed a black and purple ball of energy in front of it. Umbreon then fired it towards Greninja.

"Let's go for the counter! Delphox stop that Signal Beam with Mystical Fire!" Serena immediately struck back at Shauna.

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