Battling the Ice Fortress! (2/2) CH-43

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(A/N) Before you read this chapter, I would advice you to read the last one again so you can experience the full battle in one go. Also it would fresh your mind up a bit as it has been a little while since I uploaded the last chapter. Anyway, let's get started!


I made a mistake by uploading this chapter to early, therefore my apologies if you couldn't find it. But here it is now!

Ash and Wulfric are in the middle of Ash's first World League gym battle. After Houndoom managed to take down Mamoswine in the first battle, Lucario and Weavile are giving it their all to decide who will win the second battle.

Ash: Lucario! Finish it with Aura Sphere!

Wulfric: Shadow Ball now!

As Lucario charged a light blue ball of aura between it's paws, Weavile did the same but he created a purple ball of energy. They both we're still in hand to hand combat range as they threw their respective attacks at eachother.

A massive smokecloud appeared, covering both pokemon. Both Ash and Wulfric covered their eyes, from the dirt and dust flying into their faces.

The gang in the stands we're all on their feet, shocked as they were watching the cloud of smoke as they were waiting to see the outcome of this battle.

After the smoke faded, it revealed Lucario and Weavile both laying on the ground with swirls in their eyes.

Viola: Both Lucario and Weavile are unable to battle! Therefore this battle is a draw!

Wulfric smiled as he grabbed his pokeball and returned Weavile. When he had the pokeball close to him he said "Great job Weavile! You deserve a rest" before he put the pokeball away and grabbed another one.

Ash walked onto the battlefield and made his way over to Lucario. When he was there, he kneeled down, matching Lucario's level and put a hand on his head as he said "Great job buddy! I'm really proud of you!"

Lucario smiled at Ash as it was sitting on the ground after the intense battle.

"Hop on" Ash said as he turned his back to Lucario, pointing to his loyal pokemon he would carry him off the battlefield.

With help of Ash, Lucario got onto Ash's back and Ash carried him of the battlefield before making his way to the stands.

Ash: Serena? Could you take care of him for me?

Serena: Sure Ash!

"Thanks Serena!" Ash said as he gave her a smile.

Ash Put Lucario down on a seat next to Serena and went back to his trainerbox.

Wulfric: That was a good battle Ash! You and Lucario work really well!

Ash: Yeah! But same goes for you and Weavile!

"Good." Wulfric said with a smile as he grabbed his next choice. "Now shall we get on to the next battle?"

Ash: Thought you'd never ask!

"I bet you remember this one!" Wulfric said as he threw the pokeball forward.

As the pokeball opened, it revealed Wulfric's thrusted partner Avalugg, the Iceberg pokemon. An opponent Ash had a lot of struggles with in the past.

"Avalugg.." Ash said as he gritted his teeth.

"This is not good..." Serena said as she had a worried look on her face while she clasped her hands together and held them on her ribbon.

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