Mega Island! CH-65

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Narrator: Last time, Ash and Gary went on a trip to Shalour city, trying to avoid shopping with the girls. While Gary learned about the origins of Mega Evolution from Gurkinn, Ash had a friendly battle with Korrina which Ash ended up winning.

"What dumb question is that? Ofcourse we go!" Gary exclaimed, forming a fist and a determined face.

"And I can accompany you guys aswell!" Korrina exclaimed with a smile on her face, clenching her fist infront of her chest.

Both Ash and Gary looked at her in surprise. "Really? What about the gym?" Ash asked. Korinna smiled with her eyes closed as she moved her hand sideways where Gurkinn stood. "Grandpa?" She said.

"Well you do have a rematch sceduled later on today. Make sure you're back on time ok?" Gurkinn said.

"Then it's settled!" Gary exclaimed before Ash spoke up. "Wait-- A rematch?" He asked surprisingly.

"Yeah, a trainer with a Sceptile. He beat my Mienfu last time but Lucario took him down." Korrina said in a nonchalant way.

"Uhh- Okay..." Ash said, sweatdropping before he continued. "We should go now, if we need to use our water pokemon to get there, we won't be back in time."

Gurkinn chuckled causing Ash and Gary to change their attention towards him. "There's a boat at the back of the gym, feel free to use it." He said in a cheerful manner.

Suddenly stars appeared in Ash's eyes. "Alright!" He exclaimed, pumping his fist into the air. "Let's go and find that mega stone for you Lucario!" Ash exclaimed happily.

"RRaH!" Lucario exclaimed, also throwing his fist into the air.

A few moments later on the boat towards Mega Island

"I can see it in the distance!" Ash exclaimed happily while holding the railing. "Pika!" "R-Ah!" Pikachu and Lucario exclaimed. Lucario was also holding the railing while Pikachu was on Ash's shoulder.

"There are sure a lot of rock pillars infront of it..." Ash thought out loud. "Those are meant to protect the island." Korrina replied as she was steering the boat.

" Korrina replied as she was steering the boat

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Suddenly a Gyarados jumped out of the water. "GYAAGHH" Gyarados exclaimed before diving back under again.

"Woah..." Ash exclaimed as he, Pikachu and Lucario looked on in awe at Gyarados. "You might be careful Ash" Gary said, walking up from behind while looking on ahead of him.

A few moments later, Ash, Gary and Korrina, Along with Pikachu and the two Lucario make it on the island.

"This is so amazing!" Ash exclaimed excitedly, looking around the beach as he sees a Kangaskhan grabbing some fruits from a tree and feeding it's baby which was in her pouch.

As they looked around a bit more, they also saw a Scizor and a Heracross fighting eachother while on the otherside an Ampharos was maintaining it's fur. "Pidgeooo--" they heard as they looked up in the sky and saw a couple Pidgeot fly around the place. On the right of them, there was a rock where a Slowbro peacefully laid, watching the sea where wild Sharpedo and Gyarados jumped out of the water every now and then.

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