The Night of Dreams! CH-38

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Ash and Serena finished their breakfast together and Serena sat down on the sofa and started brushing Delphox. Ash on the other hand had other plans.

Ash: Serena, I'll go home for a little while. I need to feed my pokemon.

Serena: Where are your mom and Gary?

Ash: Gary is staying at Brock's place while my mom went away with yours remember?

Serena: Oh yeah... I can help you feed them?

Ash: Maybe another time, I wanted to do some training with some of them aswell!

"Oh... okay..." Serena said as she looked down.

Ash didn't like to see Serena unhappy so he walked over to her and gently placed his finger under her chin so she looked him into his eyes

Ash: Don't be sad Serena... I want to see your cute smile on our date tonight ok?

Serena started blushing when Ash said that she had a cute smile

Serena: D-Do you think I have a c-cute smile?

Ash: Ofcourse! Now don't be sad, I'll be back in a bit!

Serena: Okay Ashhh.

Ash went over back to his house, luckely he had the keys of the house with him now Gary and Delia weren't home.

Ash unlocked the door and went straight to the backyard.

Ash: Bulbasaur!

Ash shouted for Bulbasaur and after a little amount of time he arrived.

Ash: Hi buddy! Could you call everyone please?

Bulbasaur: Bulba bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur fired multiple coloured seeds into the air, signaling all Ash's pokemon. After a while they all gathered and Ash started to speak up.

Ash: Alright everyone! I need you all to do something for me...

Ash explained everything and gave them their food. After that he went back to Serena's house.

Ash: Serena! I'm back!

Serena: Hey Ash!

Serena ran towards Ash as she hugged him tightly, knocking him over in the process.

Serena: You were gone for pretty long, I started to get worried!

Ash: hehe... Sorry, while I was giving them their food, I got distracted because Oshawott lost his scalchop...
But now, could you please get off me..? I'm struggling to breathe...

Serena: Oh sorry Ash!

Serena realized she was still on top of Ash and she stood up quickly while she blushed heavily.

Then Serena took a look at the clock and was shocked to see what the time was.

Serena: Ash! It's 5.30 pm! We need to get ready!

Ash: I completely forgot! I'm going home and take a shower quickly! I'll be here in 30 minutes alright!?

Serena: Yeah fine! I'll go and take a shower now.

Ash: Your pokemon could stay with mine while we're gone if you want?

Serena: Good idea!

Serena quickly released her pokemon and told them that they would be with Ash's pokemon in his backyard while they were on their date.

Serena then ran up the stairs and grabbed the red dress she planned to wear. It was the dress she wanted to wear during the performance.

Serena took a shower and did her make up. When she was done she looked like this.

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