Serena's Shocking Suprise! CH-56

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It was an early thursday moring, Serena was just waking up.

She slowly opens her eyes. That was surely a goodnight sleep. Ash's bed sleeps so nice. She closes her eyes again and snuggles up to Ash's chest before realisation hits her as she feels hands wrapped around her and someone's body against hers. Her eyes shoot open as she yells. "Wait! Ash's bed!?"

In an instant Ash shoots right up as does Pikachu who stands up straight, balling his paws into fists. "What's wrong!" Ash shouts.

"Why am I here in your bed!? You know we've got school today and I've got no clothes with me! Now I'm going to be late for school!" Serena panics.

Ash chuckles. "What's so funny?" Serena asks with sheer panic in her voice.

"Look at the clock and look at the chair infront of my desk." Ash says before he lays back down and Pikachu does the same.

Serena looks at the clock and sees it's still 4 am. Then she looks at the chair and sees clothes on it. "Wait... Did you-" she says.

"Yeah, I dialed your mom, using your phone... Uhh, Sorry for that, I shouldn't have used your phone but you we're sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't get the nerves to wake you up... Anyway, your mom chose the clothes you'd normally wear and I picked it up for you." Ash cuts her off and explains.

A big smile creeps on Serena's face as she hugs Ash tightly. "You're so sweet... Thank you so much Ash..." Serena says, planting a kiss on his lips.

Ash smiles and Serena cuddles up to Ash again, laying her head on his chest while making a firm grip on his shirt.

A little while later, they both wake up again. "Did you sleep well?" Ash Asks, staring at Serena's beautiful cerulean blue eyes.

Serena smiles before she pecks him on his forehead. "As a rose, thanks to you." She says as she stretches, letting out a yawn in the process.

"Why don't you have a shower first? Then I'll go downstairs to make some breakfast for us." Ash suggests.

"You and making breakfast?" Serena asks, frowning and giggling at the same time.

"Yes! I can make breakfast..." Ash says, pouting playfully.

"Sure you can." Serena giggles, getting out of bed after pecking Ash on the lips. She picks up the clothes, it it is her former outfit she used to wear during her travels through Kalos and Hoenn. With her clothes she makes her way to the bathroom.

On her way there, Gary zooms past her, saying. "Hey Serena."

"Errr-hm." Serena says, clearing her throat.

Gary freezes and turns around. "What?" He asks before he realises. "Wait Serena, how are you here so early?"

"For your information Gary, I slept here and secondly, where are your manners?" Serena asks with a firm voice.

"What do you mean my manners?" Gary asks.

Serena smirks and walks right past Gary into the bathroom, closing and locking the door. "Thanks Gary." She says from inside the bathroom.

"Hey! I was about to go in, now I'm not ready for the ladies in time!" Gary yells back.

"Too bad for you Gary, remember the saying 'Ladies first'?

Gary sighs and walks away. Ash just walks out of his room and chuckles about the commotion he just heard.

"Nice girlfriend you've got Ash..." Gary pouts.

"That's Serena for you Gary." Ash says, chuckling as he makes his way down the stairs.

After around 15-20 minutes Serena came down aswell and Gary hurried into the bathroom before Ash even had a chance. Not that he minded though.

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