A new Beginning! CH-15

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Ash: We're back Kalos!!

"Pii pikachu!!"


Ash ran off the ferry with Pikachu and Riolu, excited to be back in the Kalos Region.

Delia drove the moving truck off the ferry and Ash and Gary would catch up with her again as soon as she got off.

Gary: Slow down Ash! It isn't going anywhere you know!?

Ash: I'm sorry Gary, I'm just excited! Ash said while chuckling.

"Hop in guys! We need to get on the road again!" Delia said while she parked the truck next to them.

Ash & Gary: Right!

They got in the moving truck and went on their way towards Vaniville town.


Delia: Well guys! This is it! As she pointed towards the house.

Ash: Awesome! And it's quite big aswell! I'm sure the pokemon are gonna love it!

Gary: I agree with you on that one Ashy-boy!

Ash: Gary.. What did I say about that name!

Gary: Chill Ash! He said while laughing.

Grace POV

"That must be the new owners of the house! I'm going to greet them right away!" She said as she opened the front door.

As Grace walked towards them she noticed Ash and Pikachu.

"From all the people who could move in to that house, it had to be you guys!
Grace said with a massive grin on her face.

They looked at where the voice came from and Ash recognized Grace immediately.

Ash: Grace! It's been a long time hasn't it! He said excited.

Grace: It sure has Ash! How have you been?

Ash: I'm great Grace! Thanks!

Then Grace looks at Delia and Gary who looked confused.

Grace: Oh i'm sorry! My name is Grace Yvonne. Ash here traveled with my daughter Serena through Kalos!

Gary: Hmmm, Ashy-boy got himself a girlfriend? A smirk appeared on Gary's face

Ash: WHAT! NO! Shut up Gary! He said in an angry tone while blushing a bit.

Delia: Grace! Is it really you!?

Grace: Wait... Delia!???

Ash: Do you know eachother?

Grace: Yes Ash, I used to live in Pallet Town when I was a kid. Your mom and I were best friends!

Delia: Right, and part of the reason you and Serena went to the summercamp was so we could meet eachother again!

Grace: To think we live now across from eachother! She said while laughing.
"Serena must be excited to see you again Ash!"

Ash: Speaking of her? Where is she? Is she still in Hoenn?

Grace: No, she returned last year after the grand festival. She attends to Sycamore High now. And currently she is shopping with her friends May and Dawn.

Ash: Wait! May and Dawn are here too!!

Grace: You know them?

Ash: You bet! I've traveled with May through Hoenn and with Dawn through Sinnoh!

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