Serena's Birthday! CH-70

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Narrator: It's an early friday morning as Serena was peacefully asleep in her bed. Little did she know that a certain raven haired surprise was on his way to wake her up.

"We gotta stay quiet Pikachu." Ash wispered to his yellow buddy as both of them tip toe'd into Serena's room. Ash looked at Serena as she calmly in- and exhaled with every now and then a cute tiny snore. Slowly but surely both Ash and Pikachu made it over to the side of Serena's bed.

Ash looked at her. She looks so cute while sleeping. Especially those little snores. Do I really need to wake her up? Ash thought to himself.

"Pika." Pikachu said angrily in a low voice, trying not to wake Serena up while slapping his tail against Ash's shinbone. "Ow!" Ash muffled as he started to rub the exact spot Pikachu hit him.

"I'm sorry buddy..." Ash said sweatdropping before he returned his gaze to the sleeping Serena. "Now how do we wake her up..?" Ash thought out loud. Pikachu had a lightbulb moment and jumped on Serena's bed at the end of her feet.

"Pikaaaaa--" Pikachu started chanting as electricity started sparking from his cheeks. "No Pikachu!" Ash said as he grabbed his fellow partner quickly before he could shock Serena. Pikachu's cheeks stopped sparking and looked at Ash with a confused look.

"You should know better than to use Thunderbolt on anyone. Especially to the one who always makes those sweet treats for you." Ash scolded softly while Pikachu looked at him, rubbing the back of his head nervously with a guilty look on his face.

Ash sighed briefly in relief before putting his gaze back on Serena. Happy she didn't wake up from all the shenanigans. "Now let's see..."

Suddenly a lightbulb popped op in Ash's mind as a mischievious grin appeared on his face. "I know exacly how we're gonna do it Pikachu." Ash smirked as he took two party poppers from his pocket which he brought with him earlier.

Pikachu saw what Ash was planning and cheered. Ash carefully handed one over to Pikachu before he said. "Ok Pikachu, on the count of three. 1... 2... 3!"


Both party poppers exploded open and some shot out of if. Serena's eyes popped open and she sat up straight immediately. "WHAT! WHERE, WHO!" Serena yelled in confusion before she saw Ash and Pikachu. "Pikachu...? Ash...?" She exclaimed after rubbing her eyes for a moment to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Happy Birthday!" "PikaPi--!" Both Ash and Pikachu yelled with wide smiles on their faces while holding their hands in the air. Slowly but surely, a smile started to form on Serena's face as she took the two in a giant hug, pulling them half over her bed. "Thank you both!" Serena said gratefully before planting a kiss on Ash's cheek.

"But this is not all!" Ash said, smiling as he pulled away. "Lucario! It's time buddy!" Ash shouted and from the door appeared the Aura pokemon with a tray in his paws, wearing a happy smile. "RRah!" He exclaimed as he walked over.

On the tray was a glass filled with milk and there were a couple plates with eggs, bacon and pancakes. Serena looked on in disbelief. "Y-You made breakfast--- For me?" She said as she glanced towards Ash while a smile grew on her face.

"To be perfectly honest, your mom made it. We're here to wake you up and deliver it." Ash chuckled as he sat down beside her while scratching the back of his head in a silly manner.

"Thank you! All of you!" Serena said gratefully before hugging Ash once more. Pikachu got off Serena's lap and climbed on Lucario's shoulder who managed to balance the tray as Pikachu's weight slightly made him move down to his right, not expecting the sudden move.

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