Gary's Challenge! CH-46

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It is Tuesday morning and Ash is just waking up.


I woke up after a good night sleep. After I rubbed my eyes, I see Serena with her head on my chest peacefully sleeping. This always gives me a smile on my face as wel as a great feeling, seeing her like that. I'm taking a moment to look at the clock to see what time it is.
"6.15 am" I thought to myself as I look back at Serena. I carefully wrap my left arm around her while I use my right hand to carefully carress her hair, trying not to wake her up. I see a slight smile appear on her face which makes me smile aswell.

What Ash didn't know is that Serena was slowly waking up.

"Don't stop please" Serena says as she keeps her eyes closed and snuggles her head a bit more into Ash's chest.

Ash was taken aback for a moment before he says "I'm sorry that I woke you up."

Serena slowly opens her eyes and looks at Ash, giving him a warm smile with her eyes closed while she has a tired look on her face.

Serena slowly moves up her head and leaning in towards Ash, kissing him on his lips. As they break she stares into his hazel brown eyes before she says "It's fine Ash" while giving him a cute smile while letting out a small giggle inside her mouth.

Serena laid her head down on Ash's chest again until her eyes shot open in realisation.

"Ash? What time is it?" She asked.

Ash smiled at her before he answered. "Don't worry, it's only 6.30 am Serena."

Serena relaxes a bit more and lays down on the chest of the boy she cares so much for. Ash smiles as he continues to carress her hair.

They laid there for a while until it was 8.00 am, then they decided to get up so that they could prepare for the day ahead. Serena was taking a shower and Ash stood by the door of the bathroom where he starts to talk.

"Serena while you're still preparing, I'll wake up Pikachu and Lucario, then we can go downstairs and get some breakfast together okay?" He said.

"Okay Ash" is what he could hear from the bathroom as Serena was taking a shower.

Ash walks over to the living room of their room in the pokemon center. Suddenly a smile appears on his face as he sees Pikachu and Lucario peacefully sleeping. He walks over to them and kneels down next to them so he can meet them on eye level.

Ash carefully nudges Pikachu and Lucario as he says "Wake up Buddies, we're gonne get some breakfast."

Both Pikachu and Lucario shot open at the moment the words left Ash's mouth before they look at their trainer with a smile on their face.

"Thats right guys!" Ash says, also with a smile on his face.

"Pika!" "Rwawr!" They both cry out as they throw their fists into the air.

Ash smiles at his pokemon's excitement and at that moment Serena walks into the room as she just finished up in the bathroom.

"Just like their trainer." She says as she chuckles with her mouth and eyes closed while walking over to them.

When Serena is standing next to Ash, he asks. "Ready?"

"Almost" Serena replies which confuses Ash. She quickly leans in and pecks him on the lips before she says. "Now I'm ready!"

Ash puts up a toothy grin and says "Lets go!" Before he grabs Serena's hand and starts making his way towards the door while Serena lets out a small yelp.

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