Battling X against Y! CH-25

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I'm thinking if making a small chapter about Calem's backstory and stuff, Would you guys like that? Let me know!

Ash and Serena went over to their last lesson of the day. Battle class!

"This way Ash!" Serena said excitedly as she pointed to the direction of the indoors battlefield.

Ash: Wow! Even a battlefield inside the school! Awesome!

Serena: I know right! This school has literally everything!

Ash and Serena walked into the room and were greeted by Alain.

Alain: Hi guys, nice to see you two again.

Ash: Hey Alain! Ready for our battle?

Alain: I sure am!

At this point everyone was into the room and Alain started talking.

Alain: Alright everyone. I'm sure you all know our new students Ash and Gary by now so let's get started.

"Gary and Clemont, you two will be battling against eachother, May and Serena you two aswell. This will improve your skills as a trainer but also your bonds."

Alain instructed the whole class to battle in groups of two. Ash was left over becaue he was to battle Alain.

Ash: Man... Why do we have to battle as last... I'm so psyched now!

Alain: Don't worry Ash. Help me giving the others advice about battling please?

Ash: You want me to help you?

Alain: Yeah. You're a champion remember? Your advice could be really helpful you know?

Ash: Hmm.. I've never seen it like that. Ok! I'll do it!

With that Ash started walking around the battling students.

Jimmy: Sandsrew use Slash!

Lucas: Dodge it Roselia!

Sandsrew his claws started to glow and it ran towards Roselia who dodged the attack with ease leaving a big opening for Lucas.

Lucas: Great! Now use Razor Leaf!

Jimmy started panicking and because of that Sandsrew got hit by the sharp leaves, knocking Sandsrew out with swirls in his eyes.

Ash: Good move Lucas!

Lucas: Thanks School Champion!

Ash: Just call me Ash, i'm just a student like you guys!

Lucas: Ok Ash!

"How could I lose..." Jimmy wispered to himself as he sat on his knees with his fainted Sandsrew on his lap.

Ash: You know Jimmy... If you stayed calm there, you could think of a way to get out of there. If a trainer panics,  so does his pokemon.

Jimmy: What do you mean?

Ash: Your pokemon feels what you feel. That's the bond you two share with eachother.

Jimmy: I think I get it now... Thanks Ash!

"No problem!" Ash said as he put up a goofy smile.

Serena saw Ash help jimmy and couldn't help but smile at it wich caused her to lose focus on the battle.

May: Glaceon use Ice Beam!

Glaceon created light blue energy in her mouth and shot it straight at Sylveon wich caused it to faint.

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