Big Time Rush~Lindsay

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This imagine is dedicated to SupItsLindsayLovato hope you like it.

I was just roaming around the beach when all of a sudden I got knock off on the ground.I hold my head and open my eyes a little,I saw a blonde hair guy walking directly towards my way,"Hey are you okey? I'm so sorry about that."

"Uhh,I'm okey." I stand up with the guy helping me,"Are you sure with that?"

"Yeah.I'm Lindsay by the way." I said sticking my hand out of him to shake it,he gladly accept my hand.

"I'm Kendall.Hey would you mind if you could hang-out with us?" Kendall said pointing towards the group of guys playing volleyball.

"Uhh erm sure."

"Great." He grab my hand as we jog towards those group of guys.He introduces me to them,"It was so nice meeting you Lindsay." Carlos said.

"Same here.By the way aren't you guys in some kind of a band?" I ask pointing at them.I'm not the only girl here by the way,Carlos' wife is here.So yeah I am not that out of place.

"Yes we are." James spoken.

"Big Time Rush right?" I said well more like a question.

"Yep you got that right,why'd you ask?"

"Well my little sister love your band so much.I wish you could meet her."

"Where is she?" I smiled at them.

"She's back at our hometown.James is her favorite,For your information she's inlove with him.Shh,don't tell her that I told you that." I laugh from what have I said.She does love James whenever we talk about him her face would become so red.I always tease her about it and I'm pretty sure that she'll be jealous once she find out that I hang-out with her favorite band today.

The day went by so fast.Now we're all just having a campfire as Kendall brought out his guitar and we begun jamming in his songs.Hanging-out with them is very nice especially these four are dorks.

I hope this wasn't the last time I'll be able to hang-out with them.Well one of them might be with me for I don't for a long time since,Kendall had ask me on a date.

A year later me and Kendall became an official couple while James with my baby sister I'm so happy that her dream had come true.Well so did my dream ;)

Lindsay,I hope you like this imagine.Sorry if this bored you.Thanks for reading my other stories.I love ya girl :* :)♥

~Yela Maslow

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