James Imagine~Alexa

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James' POV:

Me and the guys are going at KCA today.I'm bringing my beautiful girlfriend,Alexa with me.



"Could you please help me zip my dress up?"

"Yeah sure"

I went to our shared bedroom and there I see her struggling with her dress.

"I think the zipper is stuck.Please help"


I went towards her.I zip up the dress and turn her around,giving her a kiss.

"You look sexy"

"You look pretty sexy too"

"But you're way sexier"

"Yeah,Whatever float your head"

I leaned my head against her ear and whisper

"I want you"

She pushed me away.

"No no no!"


"The guys are going to be here soon"

"So? They can wait"

"No,And we'll be late"

I groan in annoyance as an idea pop in my head.



"Uhmmm,Would you like to go to my beach house after KCA"

"Yeah sure"

"If you want the guys can come too"

"Nah we can just be alone.I need some alone time you know"


Great! My plan is working.


As we walk on the orange carpet all the cameras are flashing and all the reporters are asking questions.

"James who's with you?"

"She's my girlfriend,Alexa."

"How long have you been dating her??"

"We've been dating for 4 years now"

"Are you planning on getting married?"

"Well I'll inform you if we are getting married"

"Alright then.Enjoy! And Ms.(Y/L/N) you look stunning"

"Why thank you.Sorry but we really got to go"

"Okey.Have fun"

Alexa's POV:

Once we got inside we sit next with the guys.Yep! they all present this time unlike KCA 2014.

"Hey Alexa you look stunning"

"Thanks Kendall"

*After KCA*

"Did you have fun??"

"Yes! I saw (Y/F/Singers/N) get slimed.I was laughing so hard that I let out a sound like the pig thus"

"Yeah! But it was cute"

"Now lets go to the beach"


James drives to the beach.While I sit in the passenger seat looking outside the window while the earphones are plug on my ears.


Yes! finally! we reached the beach I can finally relax and just feel the warm sand on my feet.

"Alex can you come here for a minute?"

"Yeah sure!"

I jog towards where James at.He's doing something on the sand.

"James? What are you doing?"

"Wait! Don't look yet"


I back up a little.I saw James stand up then walk towards me.He take my hand and lead me towards where he was.

I finally saw what James did on the sand.It reads 'Will you marry me?'

I look at James and he was on his one knee with a ring in his hands.

"Will you marry me Alexa?"

"Yes! James! Yes! I'll marry you"

I jump on him as he gave me a kiss.The kiss became intense our tongue are entangle with each other.He pug me down and feel his hand slide down my butt squeezing it.I let out a moan.I feel him smirk.He carried me bridal style until we find our way to his beach house.We reach it as soon as we step inside he pinned me in the wall kissing me harder and rougher.I remove his shirt and trace my fingers on his chest.He kisses my neck finding my sweet spot and once he did I let out a throaty moan.

James begins to rub himself in me.I feel his hands finding the zipper of my dress and once he did.He unzip it letting fall.

"Damn! Now aren't this the biggest boobs I have ever since in my whole fucking life"

"James.." I moan his name.I feel him licking my chest.Then suddenly he unhooked my bra.His sucking it while the other his rubbing it.

"James..Ahhh.That feels good"

"I guess we should take this to the bedroom"

I didn't say a word I just jump on him.I wrap my legs around his waist.While he was carrying me I'm grinding up and down on his erection earning a moan from him.

Once we reach the bedroom.He puts me down on the bed removing my underwear and him removing his pants including his boxers.He pushes himself inside of me.

"Ah.Oh yeah! Jaaaames! Come on give me all you got"

"Beg for it babe"

"James fuck me harder and faster please"

"That's my girl"

He begins to thrust harder and faster hitting the right spot.Soon I feel my wall close.

"J-James.Ah.I'm cumming"

"Okey on the count of 3..one.two.three"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! JAMEEEEEESSSS!" I screamed as I cum on his manhood and him releasing his inside of mine.Whoa! This is AMAZING!

After that he remove himself inside of me and lies down next to me.Tired and sweating.

"I love you Alexa"

"I love you more James"


@AlexatheBTRlover hope you like this!

-Yela Maslow♡

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