Logan Imagine~Fatma

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A/N: Here's the part two you are asking. Hey guys! A quick message. After this imagine I will not take any more request cause I need to focused on my other books I need to finished is all by May 30 because if I don't I won't be able to write any of it. I'm taking a 4 years break after that.

Dedicated to: HendersonLoverxoxo

Part 2:

After 2 years..Logan and I have been in a relationship for a very long time now.He is asking me to spend my time with him.We're going to Texas for the Holiday's because that's where we're gonna have our vacation.

"Logan I cannot wait to spend some alone time with you." I said while packing some clothes.

"Yeah.I'm pretty sure you'll love it.It's my hometown and I can't wait to go back. I gave him a sweet smile before focusing on packing once more.

Now,we're on the road to Texas.I open the window to let the fresh air go inside.It's blowing my hair I love it.I turn on the radio to see what's new.

Oh this song is catchy when all of a sudden I heard my boyfriend's voice.He's now in a band called 'Big Time Rush' his long time dream are now coming true.

We arrive at Texas it's already night.So Logan decided for us to go to a hotel and rest there for the night before going to their rest house here.Yes! They have a rest house in Texas,rich kid right?

The night went by so fast and now we're on the road again on the way to their rest house.Once we got there we settled our things into the room upstair and get ready for our first activity which is horseback riding.Oooh! I love horses especially riding them.

"Baby are you enjoying yourself?" We're now riding the horse going to the field where we're going to have our picnic.I made some apple pie I hope he like it.

"Yes! Yes I am enjoying myself." I replied to Logan then once again followed him.I saw the picnic set up and it was beautiful.

We got down into the horse getting the basket as well.We sat down into the oak chairs and tables that was set up in the middle of the field and under an apple tree."Hey Logan wanna climb?"

"Nope.There are fire ants." He warned.Of course! I don't want them to bite me so I just take a sit and enjoy the picnic.I was enjoying the pie I bake when all of a sudden I bit something hard.I take it out of my mouth and a saw a ring.

I stare at it for a while then Logan took it from me.He got down on one knee.I was astound by him.

"Fatma,those two years of my life with you were just amazing but that isn't enough.Will you join me to the road of FOREVER? Will you marry me?"

"Yes Logan yes! I will marry you." He scope me in his arms then pulled away to put the ring on my finger and then kiss me passionately now this is what I love.

"I love you Fatma Henderson."

"I love you more Logan Henderson."

Hello Fatma,I hope you like the part two and I'm sorry if it sucks.I tried my best but then again my brain is toast.Have fun.Love ya! :**

~Yela Maslow

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