Logan Imagine

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Your POV:

Its like oh em gee here goes that funny feeling again.Why does my heart beats whenever I'm near Logan? Psh! Come on now (Y/N) its not like that you love him right? I mean he is always says mean things to you.You can't be falling for a bully like,Henderson.Just chill!

"Yo! (Y/N) wait up." It's raining by the way and I'm on my way back home when all of a sudden I heard someone call my name.I slowly turned around and saw him.Once I completely knew who called me I quickly walk faster but he catch up with me."Stop when I'm calling you."

"What do you even want Logan?" I coldly ask."I'm just gonna walk with you because I got no umbrella." He put his arms around me and I shivered."Let me hold that umbrella" He took the umbrella away from me.

"Logan will you please remove your arms around me." I remove it from my shoulder but he put it back."Why?! Don't you dare tell me that you don't like it."

"Oh shut up will you!" He smile like an idiot."Why are you even smiling huh?! Idiot--" I was about to say something else but then I got shut up because Logan put his lips to mine.I pushed him away from me and gave him a slap."Haha.So I guess we have a date then."

"No." I said as I walk away from him I swear I was smiling like an idiot.

"How about at Saturday night?"

"At 7:00 pm.Don't be late." I return to him and gave me a kiss."See ya."

That's where US begun.After 5 years of being together we decided that it was time for us to get married and we did.Then now we have 3 kids.We are one big happy family now.


Author's Note:

Sorry if this imagine sucks.Anywho,enjoy ;)

~Yela Maslow♥

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