Kendall Imagine

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Kendall's POV:

"Omg! Is he the new guy in school??"

"Yeah! He's hot!"

"And mine!"

"No he's mine"

I heard those popular girls? whispering.I check my locker number and its 111 great! my favorite number :).While I was walking down the hall I saw a girl all alone the corner reading book.She wears a geeky glasses.Once I got closer she looks up and I saw her smile.Wow! she's beautiful.I smile as well then continue to walk to my locker.

"Hey Kendall right?" One of those girls who's whispering just a few minutes ago.

"Yeah,And you are?"

"Gina,Well nice to meet you" She has a flirty look on her face.Sheesh! I don't even like girls who flirt.

She walks toward the girl who was reading.She knocks down her books.I run towards her as she picks up her books.I helped her.I was picking the last book when suddenly I feel her touch my hand.I look up and she was blushing I picked up the last book.

"Thank you" She said in a whisper.

"Welcome.What's your name?"

"I'm (Y/N),And you are?"


"Nice to meet you Kendall.I really need to go"

"Okey.Would you like to meet me up for lunch?"

"Sure.That would be great"

"Great.See ya at lunch"

You know I really am excited to have linch with her.


I walk to the cafeteria and I quickly spotted (Y/N) she saw me and I wave at her.I was about to walk towards her but Gina pulls me towards her.

"Hey Kendall"

"Hey,Sorry but I got to go"

"Ugh! Don't tell me your going to sit there with (Y/N) the weirdo"

"Actually yes I am"

"Why?" She raised one eyebrow.

"Because she's not like the rest of you.She's actually pretty nice"

"OMG! You like weirdos"

"Hey! its not nice to say people who you didn't even know.Now if you excuse I'll go to her"


I walked towards her."Hey"

"Hey Kendall,Why did you refuse Gina?"

"Well you know she's kinda.."

"Mean..Yeah I know that"

"Does it bother you" I sat down.

"Nah I got used to it.Ever since I got here she's the only one who bullied me"

"That's not nice"

"I know.But I just don't mind her.So tell me why did you move here in this little town"

"Well my father got a new job here"

"Oh okey." She smiled.Oh my gosh! Her smile its sooo...Beautiful.

"Kendall? Yuhoo!" She wave her hand infront of my face."Oh sorry about that." I snap out of my trance.

"HAHAHAHA.Its cool."

Months had pass.Me and (Y/N) became closer.I don't know but there's some strange feeling in my chest lately.I don't know how to describe it.Everytime she comes around I get nervous.

"Kendall?" She said as she walks towards me.


"I gotta tell you something"


"Come with me"

She drags me towards the bleachers.She turned around.I don't what came over me I just pulled her and kissed her.I'm surprised she kiss me back.

"I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry?"

"I just kiss you"

"Its okey.I actually really like it.About what I'm gonna tell you is...I love you Kendall"

"I-I love you more (Y/N)"


"Yes! Ever since I got here"


"In fact go on a date with me and be my girlfriend?"

"Yes! Of course!" I kissed her again.And from that day I swore I'm gonna marry her someday.And it came true.I married her.Now we have two adorable kids.

God I swear I love this girl.

Author's Note:

Heyyo! I'm done with another imagine hope you like it.

-Yela Maslow♡

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