James Imagine~ Sari

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Today is your special day. You woke with a messy hair yet you manage to fix your right away. You are so excited to spend it with the people you love. James, your boyfriend had send you a message. You smile as you read it.

"Good morning Sari, my darling. Happy birthday, I hope you have a spectacular birthday, though I can't be with you because of the tour. But I promise you that once I got back home. I'll hang-out with you, take you to wherever you want. Take care love. I love you so much. xoxo, JM ❤" You were down at the thought that he's not gonna be with you to celebrate your special day but then again you understand him. It's hard at times but you guys always manage to stay together.

You've been dating him for 3 years now and it's been the best years of your life. Being in a relationship with James Maslow is the best thing that had ever happen to you. With these thought surrounded your head you quickly put on a smile then head to the shower to have a nice and relaxing bubble bath. You inhaled the fresh scent of those scented candles surrounding you.

After that you made you way to the park and have your daily routine meaning your morning jogs. The earphones are plugged in your ears as you listen to his latest single.

Circles,"You keep me runnin' round in circles." You sing along as you kept on running. The day went by so fast, you were on your room getting ready for the party that had been held by your best friends; Katelyn Tarver and Erin Sanders. Once you got to the location where they texted you. You've seen nothing but a dark and empty place. You decided to left when all of a sudden the light went on and then you realize that you're on the park as they all screamed,"SURPRISED! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARI!" A huge smile spread across your face as you've seen your siblings and parents. You quickly run into them then engulf them in a huge bear hug.

Every thing was perfect but there's someone missing, the guy whom had your heart. He hasn't even called you as you think that, you couldn't help but went sad. When you were about to sit on the tree nearby you heard someone's familiar voice spoken to you,"Why so sad birthday girl?" Your heart race as you slowly turn around only to find the man who you love the most standing there wearing his perfect smile. You run into his arms almost knocking him off his feet.

"James! I thought you weren't gonna make it! I'm glad you did. I'm so happy right now." You said as he lifts you up and spun you around. Once he put you down he crashes his lips on your. You smiled and everyone's attention turn towards you guys. They went 'awe' you realize that the other three are also here.

"Well I wouldn't miss my girl's special day and I have my gift for you," He get on his one knee and search something on his pocket. Once he found it, James showed you. It was a velvet box. You gasp as a water filled the brim in your eyes. He opened it then you finally saw the precious gem as it shined while the moon hits it,"Happy Birthday Sari, baby, will you marry me?" You kneel down as well then wrap your arms around his neck as you say.

"Yes, yes, yes! James David Maslow I will marry you." He lift you up with happiness in his eyes. He tilt your head towards his then gave you a passionate kiss. Once you both pulled away, he slips the ring on your finger and hug you tight.

You can't wait to be his Mrs.Maslow and you couldn't ask for a better way to celebrate your birthday. ❤

A/N: Sari! Here's your imagine. Hehehe I hope you like it. Arigato Gozaimasu ( thank youuuu :) )

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