Logan imagine~Jessica

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Logan's POV:

I wake up too early well because there's two reason.First the sunlight hit my face.Second I fell out of the bed.It doesn't hurt at all and luckily Jessica didn't hear that loud thump cause if she did she will be awaken by it.

We're in Bahamas for our honeymoon and so far it feels really great knowing that the love of your life is yours forever.When did we get married? Yesterday.Today I'm planning something big for her.I'm thinking about surprising her after a long walked on the beach.

I looked at her.She's look so peaceful when she sleeps.I remove a piece of hair away from her face and gave her a kiss on the cheek trying not to wake her up but that didn't work.

"Good morning Logie"

"Good morning babe.Hows your sleep?"

"It was great.Are you already awake before I do?"


"Did you hear something fall on the ground?"

Uh-oh I guess she did hear me.But I guess she was too tired to wake up and check it out.

"Uhh,That was me I fell out of bed when the sunlight hit me directly on my face"

You can see that she's holding back a laugh.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah.It looks like you're holding back a laugh."

She couldn't hold it anymore.She burst out laughing.Well I must say she has the most adorable laugh.

"Yeah,Yeah.Laugh all you want well at least I didn't snore that loud"

Her laughter soon died down then her eyes went like this...

-----> 0_____________________________________0

Yep! That huge.

"Did I really snore that loud?"

This time I burst out laughing.Because she looks really cute when she acts like a little kid.

"Logan,Just tell me please"


"Oh my gosh! that was embarassing"

Her face became red as tomato.I laugh even more.



"It's not that funny you know *pout*"

"No it wasn't.It was hilarious"

"Logan please stop."


"Thank you."

"Are you hungry?"

"Actually yes I am"

"Alright then lets go to the breakfast buffet at this hotel"

"They have a breakfast buffet here?"

"Yes! They made the best breakfast"

"Really? Then come on what are we waiting for? Lets go!"

"Aren't we gonna get dress first?"

"Oh right"

We get ready and soon we are down on the hotel lobby to find where the breakfast buffet is located.When the staffs point where we could find it.Jessica pulled me.

"Logan try this one.This taste so good"

She said as she gave me a fork with a pancake stab on it.

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