Logan Imagine~Gayle

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Dedicated to one of my Rusher buddy,GirlActsLikeBoy❤ Love ya buddy.
My friend had invited me to go to the gym with her since she wanted to see her crush,James the body builder.Oh well might as well apply for it,"Come on Gayle.The gym is only five blocks away from our house.Don't be too lazy in walking." Yes she made me walk because James told her that it's good for our health.

Once we got their my friend ditched me once she saw her gym trainer,Tsk! Tsk! She never change.I sat on the bench as I take a look around this gym,"Hey are you gonna work out?" Someone ask me.I turn my attention towards where the voice came from and saw a very very hot guy.My jaw drop from the sight of him.

"Uhh,yeah.Do you know where?" I am sweating and I'm not even working out.

"Great.This way." He assist me.Then the cashier told me that he will be my gym trainer.Wooh! Gayle you just get yourself a hunk xD.We're going to start today,first he taught me the basic.

My friend is done for today so was I.Once we got home,yes we live in the same house,anywho she begun screaming in a very very odd way,"What's wrong with you?" Now she begun jumping up and down.

"Guess what?" I get the towel and wipe it on my face,"What?"

"Oh come on Gayle! Guess it." She's soo childish.

"James ask you out?" I guessed.

"Even better.He was doing the pushed up and..." She begun daydreaming.

"He's just doing some push up what so special about that?" She looks at me with her furrowed eyebrows.

"You didn't let me finished,I was underneath him and he kissed me on the lips Gayle,on the lips." She fainted on the couch and begun screaming on the pillows.

"Whoa! I did not see them coming!" I get inside the kitchen and grab something to drink.I am thirsty plus I'm famished.My phone vibrated and I took it.Just a number.

Who the hell is this? Now it's calling me.

"Hello?" An oh so familiar sound blairred on the speaker."Hey it's me Logan."

"Logan.What do you want?"

"I was just asking if would you like to go grab something to eat?" My eyes sparkled.

"Oh sure."

"Great.Well see you at Starbucks." Omg! Omg! The hotties is taking me out.Wait! Relax it's not like he ask you out anywho I'm just gonna change my clothes.

My friend was passed out in the couch so I sneak up on her and go outside the front door.Well goodluck Gayle.

After a month me and Logan became great friend.This time he ask me if I could come into the park,"Hey I'm glad you came.I would like to ask you something really important."

He holds my hand then look me in the eyes,"What?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I was speechless but I need to answer him.

"Yes Logan.I would love to." He didn't say anything else instead he kissed me and that's the beginning of him and Me ♥

Hey Gayle. Hope you like it. Love ya gurl :***

~Yela Maslow

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