Kendall Imagine~ Rume

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Dedicated to: @Rume55, Hello! I hope you'll like the imagine I have in stored for you.


"Kendall! Oh no you did not just do that?" You screamed at the blonde haired boy who just threw a popcorn at you way while he laugh his ass out.

"What? It's fun." He says as he throws another popcorn at your way. You stand up from the couch then walk towards the kitchen. Kendall thought that you got mad at him for throwing those popcorn at you so he followed but once he got into the kitchen he regretted it as soon as he saw you handling a huge spider in your hand.

"Not fun now huh?" You smirk right at him then scared him with it while backing away littlt by little.

"Rume, baby, I love you and all but please try not to throw that spider at me. You know how that creeps me out." You can sense that his shivering. It was his biggest fear same goes for his best friend James. Though he never would've thought that you like touching ang holding it like some fluffy toy in the store.

"Awee, but spidey-widey's wanna play with my spiderman-wannabe boyfriend." You pet it as Kendall got goosebumps just staring at it makes him shiver. You had an evil smile smile spread across your face. Kendall exactly know what's on your mind. Without further ado you threw him the huge spider then screamed like a girl. You laugh out loud not caring if you snorted like a pig. You just can't help yourself.

Kendall Schmidt, the so called spiderman by his Rushers is scared of an actual spider. When Kendall realizes that it was just fake. He came charging towards you then carry you in his shoulders as you shouted and playfully punch his back.

"Na-ah! You're going to pay." He puts you down on the couch then begun tickling you. Laughter errupted as he keeps on tickling your sides. After that it was soon replace by a make out session then turned into a pranking session all day long not minding the mess around the two of you as long as you know that you both are meant for one another all this time. ❤

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