James Imagine~Kelsey

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Dedicated to: Kelsey :)
Kelsey's POV:

I don't feel so good.Honestly I have a fever right now.And all I need was a bed rest,so I'm lying down on my bed with tissues surrounding me.I hate being sick.I can't do anything plus this is boring.

I was about to close my eyes when all of a sudden I heard my boyfriend,James' voice calling my name,"Inside my bedroom." I weakly said as a cough escape my mouth.

The door flew open and a worried James was standing."Awee,my poor baby."

He approaches me.James feels my forehead and instantly remove it once he felt that I was hot,"You're very hot.Have you drink your medicine yet?"

"Uhuh." I grab another piece of tissue then blow my nose as I put my head back on the pillow and groaned like a zombie.I'm wasted I'm too weak to even get me something to eat,"James will you stay with me?" I ask while holding onto his huge hand.

"Of course.Have you eaten?" He ask worriedly.

"Not yet.I'm starving." I said caressing my tummy.It growled.

"Okey then I'll just go cook something you like,what would you like to eat sweetie?" James gets up from the bed.

"Soup might be nice." He smiled as he gave my forehead a kiss.

"Be right back." I pulled the covers in my body then grab the remote that control the aircondition and lower the power.It's cold.

After thirty minutes James came back with some soup,medicine and an orange juice.

"Kelsey,baby time to eat." I sat up then James brought the tray of foods in the little table.He grab the bowl of soup then gave me a spoonful of it.Once I'm done eating the soup,I drink the orange juice together with the medicine.I felt much better now.

James lay down next to me as he wrap his strong protective arms on my waist,pulling me closer to him,giving my shoulder a soft kiss."Get well soon my love."

"Thanks for taking care of me James.I love you so much and you're the best boyfriend ever." I said smiling wide.

"I love you more,and you're the best girlfriend a guy could ever ask for." I feel so safe especially the love of my life is peacefully asleep next to me while his protective arm is wrap around me.

I'm glad to call him mine.
Kelsey,Hope you like it eventhough I'm kinda in a rush about writing all the request since I'm near my deadline in finishing my story. Then again,I hope you appreciate it.


~Yela Maslow

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