James Imagine~Sari

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AN: Hey there SarielissFlores sorry it took this long to create the second part of your imagine. I hope that it's okay with you. I've been busy for a while so now that I'm free here is your request...

Ladies and gentlemen...Kendall announces on the microphone as the bride in white floral wedding gown walked down the aisle of their beach wedding. That's right! Sari is now walking down the aisle as the man of her dreams smile at the altar, waiting for her to reach him.

Everyone took a sit once she finally made it,"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to see these two couple became one in holy matrimony." The priest begun. They could no longer contain the happiness they are both feeling inside.

Sari and James say their vow as their momma cry upon seeing their beloved child get married to the person they cherish the most.

"I DO." The both says as they shared their first kiss as a wedded couple. She could not imagine that the man she had always love is now her one and only. The one who will make her happy for the rest of her entire life.

This is a dream come true. Among 645,243,789 people in the world he choses me to be his wife. I could no longer ask for a better guy to spend the rest my life with...Sari thought as they dance; their first dance as husband and wife. They stare at each other's eyes lovingly as a smile crept on their faces. Pure happiness is all over the atmosphere of the newly wed couples.

Years had past...so many obstacle, so many problem, yet they still belong to one another. No dull moment and never had cross their mind about having a divorce. They have two lovely children namely; James Dean Maslow and Jeanette Dayne Maslow.

They look so happy. They will rock their babies in front of their porch as James sings to them so heavenly.

"I'm so happy that you married me. I won't ever ask for anything in the world as long as I got you and our twins." James says while kissing your forehead then kisses your twins forehead. When Sari and James got tired they sitted in the hammock and just enjoy each other's company as the wind passes by blowing her hair majestically.

James had always thought that Sari was an angel sent from the above. To his eyes, she's more like a goddess, a queen that he needed to treat like a royalty. He did not regret a single thing. From being her best friend to being his lover and now to being his wife. He has the life he always wanted. Now, he will do everything he can to make it stay that way.

Forever and always...

AN: Sorry it's a bit short but I hope you'll like it. :)))

-Yela ♥

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