Kendall Imagine-Melrowe

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Dedicated to: rushergirl152 heyya girl. Hope you like this imagine :)v

Kendall's POV:

First day of school at my new school and also I'm the new guy in the neighborhood since my parents decided to move in California since daddy's work has been relocated in this states,"Okey Kendall,make the first good impression so you wouldn't get in any trouble.Just be yourself." I said to myself as I step into the stairs of the school entrance.I enter the door and their attention turns towards me.Cheerleaders were looking right at me as one of them pop some bubble gum in their mouth.

I just ignore everyone and continue my way towards my first subject which was History.I enter the room and the teacher stop his teaching then look at me,"Can I help you?"

"Uhh,is this the history class?" I ask looking at the paper in my hand.

"Yes..Oh! You must be the new studio."

"Yes sir I am." I said with a polite gesture.

"Alright then go sit next to Ms.Melrowe right at the corner." I look at the sit and saw a girl with glasses next to my chair.She was hiding her face in the book that she was reading.Hmm,shy type.Well then I gotta be friendly.

I sit next to her and she looks at me,I gave her a friendly smile but she quickly look away.

"Alright class turn your page into page 102." I get the textbook from my huge bag.

The classes was officially over.I walk in the hallway and saw someone getting beaten by a crowd of Cheerleader so I jogged towards them and saw the girl who was next to my seat crying and all bruisen up.

"Hey! Stop hurting her." I pushed my way towards her then grab her hand as I pushed those girls way from her,"You have no right to hurt another person."

"Wow! Who are you to tell us that?" She looks like the Cheercaptain.

"I'm just a person like you! Can't you see you're beating up a person who's sooo innocent.Stop that! That's not gonna make you famous or what?!" She gave me a nasty look then look towards the girl.

"What are you gonna do new guy? Beat us too?" She said with somewhat a slutty voice

"No I am not gonna beat you because I am not that kind of person.I am not like you." I didn't wait for their reply instead I carried the girl bridal style and bring her to the Nurse's office.Once I got there she was all passed out.Poor thing.The school nurse begun to treat her cuts and bruises while I stay here in the waiting chair,"She's going to be fine now."

"Are you sure?" I said with a worried tone in my voice.The nurse nod then I walk towards the bed that the girl was lying on,"Hey." Sge said to me.

"Hi,I'm sorry about the whole thing."

"You don't have to apologize it's not your fault.Thanks for saving me,by the way what's your name?" I walk closer towards her.

"I'm Kendall Schmidt and I'm new here."

"Oh cool.I'm Melrowe but you can simply call me as Mel." She brought out her hands for me to shake and I gladly took it.

"Nice to meet you Melrowe.Hopefully once you recovered from all of this we could hang-out." Her eyes sparkled.Wow!

"R-really? You wanna hang-out with me? Nobody had ever ask me to hang-out with them." Melrowe lower her head.

"Why not? You seem so nice." Now she's blushing.Hey! She's kinda cute.

Months have passed ever since that incident.Me and Melrowe are closer than we ever did before,we're kinda best buddies now.

But; I want to be more than just friends.So on our graduation day I ask her to be my girl and she said yes and now we're engaged,having a beautiful life together.I can't wait to marry her. ;)

Hey! Sorry if that sucks.I hope you like it anyway.I just can't to be writing anything good since my mind is set in writing "I won't give up" xD Hope you understand.Love ya :**

~Yela Maslow

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