30 Facts About Me!♡

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For those who wants to know me better ;)


1.)My real name is Mariella A. Co

2.)Filipino Rusher! Heck Yeah!

3.)I'm a #DirtyRusher<3

4.)I love day dreaming about James.

5.)I love James Maslow<3

6.)I'm afraid of DOGS.But I'm trying to overcome it,For FOX *wink*

7.)I'm turning 16 years old.

8.)July 24,1998 was the date of my birth.

9.)I have rusher friends name Victoria,Marion and Vanessa.They're cool ;)

10.)I love singing.

11.)I would love to learn how to play guitar.

12.)I love reading stories mostly imagines.

13.)I love writing stories.You already knew that.

14.)I'm very adventurous.I love riding extreme rides.I want to try Sky Diving,someday :D

15.)My favorite number is 16.Because its the date of James' birthday,July 16.

16.) August 16,2011 is the day I become a Rusher.

17.) I wish I could be James' wife *sighs dreamingly*

18.)I love watching basketball (PBA)

19.) San Mig Super Coffee Mixers is my favorite basketball team.

20.) Alex Christopher Mallari is my fave basketball player.

21.) I love cats.

22.) I have two cats named; Topsie and Paeng<3

23.)I already kissed James in my dreams.How many times? lets just say..A lot of times.I felt as if it was real because when I woke up my lips are still warm.

24.)I kinda like Austin Mahone.I'm a slight Mahomie ;)

25.)I kinda dislike people who insults BTR.

26.)James Maslow is the man of my dreams.

27.)I used to like Dylan Sprouse.

28.)I love Hunger Games!

29.)I want to be a vegetarian.

30.)I love my Rusher Fam<3

There all done!

-Yela Maslow♡

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