Why You Two Broke Up

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Why You Two Broke Up:


You are just hanging out with your friends at the mall.But there's something bothering you..James hasn't text you nor tried to call.Whenever you try to call him it always goes on voice mail.Lucky you! One of your friends got sick and decided to go home.Once you got to your guys shared house a car that was so familiar to you is on the drive way.You thought maybe some of James friend are here so he's not bothering to call or text you.

You went to the door and twist the knob with shaking hands of course because you don't know what might come to you once you opened the door.Once you did no one's on the living room but you saw a pink jacket hanging on the couch.You just shrug it off and continue walking upstair.

You got infront of your guys shared bedroom then you open the door not looking,"Hey James who's--" You lift your head and drop your phone in horror.You shut the door and run down the stair.As James was saying,"Wait! (Y/N) Let me explain!"

"James,W-what did I ever to you?" You can feel him walking towards you,"You stop on your track! Don't you dare take another step!" You slowly turn around tears are falling down as you look at him.

"Y-you have done nothing wrong."

"THEN WHY DO YOU HAVE THE GUTS TO CHEAT ON ME HUH?! AND I THOUGHT YOU GUYS ARE OVER!" You screamed while pointing towards the girl."I thought you love me."

"Well I do."

"I don't believe you James." He walk towards you then wipe those tears on your eyes."Please believe me."

"I'm sorry James but I can't trust you anymore.I think we need a break." Once break had left your trembling mouth he pulled you in for a kiss but you pushed him away from you.

"No no no.(Y/N) Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't love me! Tell me!" You look straight into his eyes,"I don't love you anymore! Leave me alone,Forever!" With that last word said you grab your purse then out the front door..You look back at the house before entering your car.You are never gonna visit that house ever again well except when you grab all your things.

GOOD BYE JAMES! That's your last thought before driving away and never look back.


Kendall couldn't stop pacing back and forth as he waits for his phone to ring.You are just as nervous as he is..Once the phone had rang Kendall grab his phone on the coffee table and answer it.A smile appeared and his face you knew that he got the part but there's something is making you sad and that's the thought of Kendall leaving you.

"(Y/N),I got the part." He cheerfully said as he picks you up and you two begun to dance but his happiness faded when he see some tears building up on your eyes."What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just really happy for you." He pulls you in for a hug that's where you really broke down,crying on his chest probably making his shirt soaking wet.

"It's going to be okey." He rubs your back."Kendall we're going to be apart."

"I know but we can get through this right?" You look into his eyes and peck his lips,"Kendall I can't get in your way.Yes! We might be apart but you should always think that I'm here for you."

"What do you mean? That we should.." You didn't let him finish his sentence and just nod."Goodbye Kendall.I love you" You gave him one last kiss of goodbye then left with tears in your eyes knowing you broke a heart of someone so special and sooo nice.But it's for the best.You don't want to get in his way,you want him to follow his dream.And its all because you love him.


Logan and you are going to hang-out today because he haven't seen you for a very long time.You two decided to meet at a local coffee shop where you have first met.

You knew that this day for the two of you wouldn't be good because you got a sad news to tell him..."Hello babe." Logan greeted you as he gave you the warmest hug then a kiss.

"Logan I got to tell you something." You said taking a sit infront of him.Logan smile soon faded knowing that there's something wrong,"What?"

"My family arrange me..In marrying someone I don't love." Tears are building up in your eyes,"I can't break away from it.They tell me that if I don't marry him they'll do something bad for you.I can't take that! Logan you got to understand my situation.We need to break up." Logan's eyes begun to water.

"Wait! (Y/N) we can still find things in figuring things out.We,we can run away.Just you and me." He kisses you and you just smile,"I'm sorry Logan.Goodbye!"

You stand up from the chair then leave the man you love crying.You hate it when he cries cause it really broke your heart.

You've been confine in the hospital for almost a month now with a serious case of pneumonia.Your breathing isn't normal and the doctor said you may not survive.

Carlos as your husband doesn't want to give up."Do anything you can! You can't just tell us that she won't survive this! What kind of doctor are you! Your supposed to save lives not to make them die without even trying!" He was pissed off.

"Carlos.It's okey sweetheart." You said as you cough."It's not okey,(Y/N) I can't loose you.I love you so much!" He kisses your forehead as tears came running down both of your cheeks.

"Carlos if I die today.Promise me that you'll find someone better who won't leave you." He was holding your hand.

"No,Don't say that.You will survive this."

"Will you sing me a song?" Carlos nodded and begun singing to you..Until the line went ^^^^^^_____________the one that Carlos feared to see and hear.Your breathing quits.Doctors came rushing in reviving you but there's nothing they can do to bring you back to life.They cover your body with the white blanket as Carlos runs over the bed and crying begging for you not to leave him but it was to late.

You already passed out.And that was Carlos' first devastation and heartbreak.
Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating that much.I'm still finishing my book My Love Will Never Fail You please feel free to check it out~

The Leader of Queen Bee is out peace ✌

~Yela Maslow

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