James Imagine

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Author's Note:

I wrote this imagine while I was listening to 'How Do You Fall Out Of Love' by Marie Hines.It was amazing,you should listen to it.


-Yela Maslow♡

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You offered your heart with hope in your eyes.You held out your hands for me to try.You were so sure I completed you.I thought If I tried I'd feel that way too.

"Hey,I was looking right at you all the time." He said with a full smile.

"Really? Wow! Why?"

"Because you really look so beautiful and I was thinking how about I take you out on a date"

I look into his eyes,hope is all I can see.He held out his hand for me to take it.

"You're the only who's gonna complete me"

"Are you sure?"


Once I got home.I think to myself do I really need to do this..I mean it wouldn't hurt to try,right?

So I wrote you a song,Threw some words on a page.Signed our names,Dated the memories.Placed my love in a scrapbook of you.Sealed with a kiss and an I-owe-you.

We have been dating now for almost 7 months.I wrote him a song for our anniversary today.I also made him a scrapbook with our memories together.In the cover I signed his name and mine too.I put some lipstick on and kissed its last page with an I-owe-you.

"Happy 7 month anniversary,(Y/N)"

"Happy anniversary,James.I got something for you"

I grab the paper and the scrapbook from my bag.

"What's in this paper?"

"Read it and find out"

He opens the paper and a smile form on his lips.

"You wrote me a song?"

"Mhmmm,Now open the scrapbook"

He begins flipping the page of the scrapbook.

"Our every memories has been dated,But why did you wrote I-owe-you?"

"Because I owe you a lot."

"Okey,I love it.And I love you"

I gasp.He finally said those three words.I don't know what to respond.

"I-I love you too" He smiled then begins to lean in and our lips finally touched.

You begged me to jump,I decided to leap.Hoping my heart would follow my feet.But here in your arms I still feel incomplete.That's not how love's supposed to be.

I don't why but I still feel incomplete.Me and James are on the couch watching some movies.His arms are around me.He looks at me.

"What are you thinking?"


"I know there is...Now spill it" I let out a huge sigh.

"Do you really love me?" I can feel he was hurt from what I said.

"(Y/N), Of course! Why do you even ask that stupid question?!"

"Are you really telling the truth?"

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" He said raising his voice at me."Are you doubting my love for you? (Y/N) I love you! I can't believe that I'm hearing all this bullshit from you! You know what if your really doubting me! Maybe we shouldn't be together at all."

He stands up and walks through the door.

"Just so you know I love you from the beginning.But it seems like you don't care at all" He slammed the door.

I feel tears streams down my face.

I'm still pretending that everything's fine.But you know me better, you see in my eyes.That nothing's not nothing, we're on borrowed time.Before you can break, I'm starting to cry.

Ever since James left I cry myself to sleep every night.Wishing that I feel the same way too but no.My head said "No" but my heart said "Yes".

He's the only one who know me better than every one else,And he can see it in my eyes.Before he can break I begun to cry.

We danced in your kitchen, we kissed under stars.We laughed in the sun as I fell in your arms.You knew every freckle and loved every scar.I never intended to break you apart.

The time had pass.I still reminisce the moment me and him had spent.Tears are still uncontrollably falling as if the water inside my body begins to drain.


I walked in to see James but instead I got tackled on the floor by Fox.He begins licking my face.

"Fox who did you just tackled on the...(Y/N)?" He smiled as he saw me.I extend my arms signaling him to pull me up,He understood.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you"

"How did you got inside?"

"You left your door unlock"

"Oh,My bad" He walks to his kitchen.I followed him.

"Hmmmm,That smells nice"


"Can I help you?"


I begun to chop the carrots,onions and garlic.I saw James grabs his phone.He plays the song 'Windows Down'.We begin to dance in his kitchen.

At night...We laid down on his rooftop and look at the stars.He kisses my cheek.I smiled.

"I really love your freckles.You know?"

"Thanks.But I hate em'"

"Why not? You look cute."

"Okey,okey" He leaned in and kiss me passionately the stars above us are twinkling.

The next day we went on the beach.He set the blanket on the sand.I didn't saw  that there was a rock.So I trip and fall.I was expecting to land on the warm sand but James catch me in his arms.He lets out a giggle as he pecks my lips.

End of Flashback

I heard the front door open.And someone touch my shoulder.I look up and saw James.His eyes are red and puffy.Seem like his been crying also.

I stand up on the couch and jump on his arms.He laughs.

"I miss you James.I never intented to break you apart.I was wrong so wrong that I couldn't sleep at night.You're the only one who's been running in my mind 24/seven."

"That's why I'm here.To tell you how much I really need you,not sexually.Just being with you will make me complete once again."

"How did we fall out of love?"

"I don't know.But all I know is that I love you and I never stopped and never will"

I kiss him.

It's not how I dreamed it would be.And you're not who I dreamed you would be.And I'm so so so so so so sorry... 

"You may not be the guy who I dreamed it would be.And I'm so so so so so so sorry.But James always remember that I love you no matter where life takes us."

"And I love you forever more"

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Enjoy! The ending kinda sucks :/

-Yela Maslow♡

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