Hello My Kittens!

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Sorry for another author's note. I know you might be expecting me to write another imagine. But I'm here to tell you guys something really important.

An urgent one.

Guys! If you ever saw someone who copies my story please report it to me immediately. Because I just discovered that someone did actually plagiarized my works. Hey! I had been doing imagines since like what? High school days.

And guys be mindful, if you want to use some qoute or a saying that you liked in my story you may post it in your story but please give credits at the end (Credits: @zyamora 2017-2018) things like that.

I am currently mad at this account "ThatBadAssBtchGurl" whoever you are please stop copying my original ideas and concept. I am triggered. Seriously? If you're just going to copy "The Guys Pick Up Lines Fo You." you could've at least rephrase it. Like a lot. You get me? Like seriously. I can sue you. I can file a case. And my lawyer is just one call away. So please stop it.

I'll update later kittens. ❤

Thank your for listening!

-zyamora ❤

Big Time Rush ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now