James Imagine

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Okey! I got this imagine while I'm listening to Taylor Swift's Come back...Be here and while looking at those posters in my room.


-Yela Maslow♥


My best friend texted me to meet him at the park.So I get dressed.Once I got there I saw some picnic basket being set up in the middle of the park.I walk shyly towards him.

"Uhh,Hey James.Why did you call me?"

"Come and sit first."

I sit next to him."What's up?"

"I'm going back to New York."



"Oh well..You should go."

"But what about you?"

"I'll be alright."

"You sure."

"Yeah.I'm gonna miss you tho."

"And I'm gonna miss you." Tears starts to fall.

>>Next Morning<<

Here we are at the airport.I'm not ready to say goodbye.Its 4 am I feel tears are coming.

(Y/N) Don't get to attached.I run towards James.

"JAMEEEEES!" I went to him and throw myself at him.He hugs me tight."I'm gonna miss you.And I want to do something before you left..Something you'll never forget."

I did unexpected..I kiss him.To my surprise he kiss me back as well."I can't believe that would be our last kiss"

"Yeah.Goodbye James"

I let go of him and then go home.Tears are now falling.Just as I was about to fall.I told myself don't get attached.But I fall just as fast as the plane that took you.

>>2 days later<<

I guess your in New York today.I'm just here sitting on my bed thinking that you should Come back...Be here.

And I can't help but wish that you took me with you.

Now I'm walking down the streets while rain are falling.This is falling inlove in a coldest ways.I don't wanna miss you like this..Come back...Be here.Taxis are passing by but they couldn't get me to you.

>>4 months later<<

I'm doing the same old routine everyday.Right now I'm drinking hot tea on a cafè nearby my house.Once I'm done.I saw someone familiar across the street.I look closer..It can't be.He wave at me.I run across the street and once I did I hug him tight.Tears are falling.

"James! I miss you so much.I just realize how much I love you.How I want you to come back...be here.I was falling inlove with but your miles away from me."

"Well I'm here now..Aren't I?"

"Yes you are!" I kisses him.

I'm so glad you have come back...be here.

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