Kendall Imagine~ Jam

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Dedicated to one of my good friend, JanMicahColona

It's your anniversary today and you wanted to give Kendall something he would love to remember for the rest of his whole damn life.

Currently we're on our flight to Panama at first I really don't want to go since I wanted to stay home and just cuddle with him by the fire but then again I was weak for his begging face,ya know the puppy dog face with a pout and the eyes.He tweeted a few minute ago.

"On the way to Panama with the most beautiful girl in the entire world. ❤" I smiled once I saw that tweet.After an hour the pilot had announces that we're about to land.Once we get to the airport I was surprised to hear that they're playing,Had To Be Panama. Awee,I'm so proud of my papi ;)

"I'm so proud of you Kendall." I take a hold of his hand then smiled at him.

I saw Kendalk biting his lip and it always turned me on,damn! Those pink lips of his are too die for,"I'm so glad to hear that my love." Kendall put his hand around my waist then pulls me in for a sweet kiss the off we go.We arrive at a fancy hotel he's still holding my hand.The receptionist hands him the key.

Once we got inside the hotel room I got carried by him bridal style then lets me go once we reached the bed,"Kendall what are you thinking?" I said having a fits of laugh. He was smirking.

"Ahm,ya know.." My eyes went wide as I get up from the bed and look at him teasingly,"Baby stop with the teasing or else I'll be jizzing all over my pants."

Oh really? I bit my lower lip then slowly tracing my finger on it.I heard him gulp.I glance over the lower part of his body and I can see the visible bulge his having.

I seducingly walk towards him,"Uhh,J-Jam.."

I went towards him then whisper seductively,"What is it darling?"

"I just jizzed in my pants! I WANT YOU SO BAD,AND I NEED TO TAKE YOU RIGHT NOW." He said.

"Be patient Kendall.We will get to that part.If you're a good boy."

"I swear to you that once I had you..You can never walk for a week." I laugh.

"Kendall you're so vocal." I turn away from him as he grab my ass squeezing it.I gasp.

"Nice ass you got their honeybunch." He wink then lick his lips in a very pervert way.I sway my head side by side then enter the bathroom.I wear my sexiest swimwear which is color,ORANGE.

I get out of the bathroom and saw Kendall wearing his swim trunks.His bulge is still visible,"Mmm you look yummy baby."

"Now now baby what did I tell--" I couldn't finished my sentence anymore cause Kendall pinned me on the wall kissing me roughly.I kissed back as well,he pulled away for a minute only to reconnect it with my neck.I moaned.

"You have been asking for it damn baby.You're already wet?" I felt his hand tracing the my bikini.

"Kendall..Stop with the tease."

"Nah,you like it when I did this to you,You love it when I tease you." He trails many kisses on my neck,jawline and my collarbone.Kendall's hand made its way to my back untying the biking bra it fall on the floor.He begins massaging one of it as he suck on the other. My moans get louder and louder.I was so wet and it feels like I just peed.

"Kendall I need you in me now."

"Patient baby,we'll get there." He seductively whispered in my ear.Once Kendall had pleasured my breast he get lower then remove my bikini,"Yep,so wet."

"Just fuck me you embacile!"

"As you wish." Kendall took his swimming trunks off then throws me on the bed as he crawls on top of me.He kisses me once more this time,French kissing me.

I was moaning in his mouth and he was groaning like an animal.He slammed in me without any warning so I screamed at the top of my lungs,"AHHHH! KENDALL! Be careful." He set his pace then I told him to move.He moves in a very slow pace at first then it becames faster and harder.Within each thrust I grab a handful of his hair to get some relief.I wrap my legs around his torso bringing him deeper.

"Kendall I'm coming."

"Then come to me baby I wanna..Here you scream my name one you cum."

"Yes.." Kendall kept on thrusting in and out of me.Then eventually I cummed. He does the same.Our climax came and then after that he pulls out of me then lie down next to me.Once we recovered Kendall grab something from his pants,a velvet box.

"Jam will you marry me?"

"Yes Kendall! Yes!" I tackled him in the bed with us still being naked.Then soon ROUND 2 is in it's way ;)

Hey Jam! Hope you like it? Is this what you mean when you chatted me? XD It feels like Kendall is another version of Mr.Grey. lol. Anyway enjoy. I love ya gurl :*

~Yela Maslow

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