James Imagine

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"Mommy?" I heard my little daughter said as she went downstair with her teddy."Yes baby?"

"Is daddy coming home today?" She ask while sitting on the chair."I don't know sweetie he haven't called me about it yet."

"Well can you call him instead?" She plead as she give me her best puppy eyes.Her hazel eyes staring right at me.Just like daddy,"Okey I'll call him right now."

"Yay! I love you mommy!" She gets down and hugs me.I crouched down to her size and hug back.She brings me the phone and I begun to dial the number."Hello?"

He's voice blared at the phone's speaker."Hey Baby."

"(Y/N) why did you call and how is Jane?" He happily ask."She's fine.In fact she wants to talk to you.

I lend Jane the phone."Daddy!"

"Hey there Princess,how are you?"

"I'm fine daddy,but when are you coming home?" She continue to speak.

"As soon as possible sweetie.I have to go now.Be a good girl to mommy okey?"

"Yes daddy.I love you.Bye."

"I love you more baby.Now give the phone back to mommy." She hands me the phone."Darling I miss you so much."

"I miss you more James.I can't wait til you get home.I love you..Take care of yourself."

"I will honey. Be safe always.I love you more,bye."

"Bye." I hung the phone up and saw Jane staring at me."Is there something on my face?"

"No mommy.I just have a feeling that you wanted to cry." She said very smart girl.

"I won't.How come?"

"Because you miss daddy."

"I do miss him.But he'll be back home soon.Now why don't we go to the park and play." She jumps up and down cheerfully."Can we also get some ice cream?"

"Of course we can." I hold her little hands and we went to the park.There we bought ice cream then she played with some other kids..But then we need to go home."Jane! Time to go sweetie."

"Coming mommy." She run towards me then we walk back home.There's someone on the porch,back turned against us."Uhhmm,Can I help you sir?"

He slowly turns around and Jane runs towards his embrace.While I stand here in frozen.I couldn't believe that he's home.He opens his arms and I run towards him."Oh my gosh! Why didn't you tell us?"

"Well I wanted to surprise the two of you." He explained."Daddy! I miss you sooo much." Jane kisses his cheek.We went inside and our girl went to her room and get the card she made for her father."You are so sneaky James.Very sneaky."

"Why?" He smirked."I just can't explain it.All that really matter is your home." I tiptoed then crashed my lips towards him.He pulled me closer."Ewww!" We quickly pulled away and laugh.That night we had a dinner to our favorite restaurant as Jane kept on telling her daddy about her days school.I'm just listening to them until the night went by.
Author's Note:

Holaaaa~ Sorry for not updating that much.But hey! I finished yet another imagine.Enjoy!

~Yela Maslow

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